March 27, 2009
First school named for Barack Obama
Oakland today buries 4 murdered police officers, in the wake of a disgusting demonstration of support for the murderer. Perhaps this overshadows the naming of a pubic school for a living president of the United States with but two some months in office. The San Francisco Chronicle reports:
While Obama has been in office fewer than 100 days, the 35 students at the former Alternative Learning Community public school persuaded the board Tuesday to make what they said was a historic change.Several students prepared statements and then sat for hours Tuesday night waiting for their turn."They sat there 3 1/2 hours before they were allowed to speak," said their school principal, Toni McElroy. "They carried themselves Barack-like."The students told the board the old name was too negative, district officials said. The students received a standing ovation at the meeting after the unanimous vote."These are students that people have written off," McElroy said. "They were able to see that if you really push and if you really are motivated and consistent that you can make a change."
I find is fascinating that "Alternative Learning Community" now has negative connotations to the troubled students , while Barack (no middle name) Academy is positive. They might want to wait a bit longer to see how America does. Other than his race, I am not persuaded he has done anything to merit the honor.
Hat tip: Alan Fraser