The widening gap between Obama campaign rhetoric and behavior

Barack Obama certainly talks a good game, but when he gets in office, the results don‘t substantiate the promises.  O-bot true believers may ignore his infidelity to the image he created, but serious people will not. Jeanne Cummings of Politico highlights the "apparent disconnects between the soaring rhetoric during the campaign and the pragmatic and lucrative career choices by some insiders" when it comes to the influence of lobbyists.

Lobbyists heading into the Obama administration have captured plenty of attention lately, but the revolving door also is spinning the other way as the president's former aides cross over to the dark side: K Street.

The latest news is that the political director for Barack Obama's campaign, Matthew Nugen, is joining Ogilvy Government Relations as a "strategic adviser."

His announcement follows that of Bryan Cave's hiring of Jeff Berman, who directed Obama's national delegate operation, and former Health and Human Services Secretary-designate Tom Daschle's ignominious return to the law and lobbying shop Alston & Bird.

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