Promises Are Meant to be Broken

In these first few weeks of Obama’s reign, our fearless leader has kept so many of his campaign promises that no one can argue Obama is not a man of his word. From shutting down Gitmo and ending the torture of terrorists whose sole purpose in life is to murder Americans, to setting up meetings with rogue dictators without preconditions and befriending the Muslim world, Obama has kept his promises.  (National security be damned.)

But weren’t there some other promises to the American people about hope and change? Didn’t Obama promise a new Washington run on the basis of ethics and reform? We know that the word “hope” has been dumped for the more effective manipulative tactic known as fear (it will be “catastrophic” if the “stimulus” doesn’t pass). But what happened to Obama’s promise to make government conduct ethical and to make government policy open to the public?

In addition to pledges to “Free the Executive Branch from Special Interest Influence” and “Spend Taxpayer Money Wisely,” Obama’s official web site promised to:

Bring Americans Back into their Government:

Make White House Communications Public: Obama will amend executive orders to ensure that communications about regulatory policymaking between persons outside government and all White House staff are disclosed to the public.

Conduct Regulatory Agency Business in Public: Obama will require his appointees who lead the executive branch departments and rulemaking agencies to conduct the significant business of the agency in public, so that any citizen can see these debates in person or watch them on the internet.

White House communications and regulatory business will be open to the public? Apparently the Democrats missed that memo. Consider the crafting of  the “stimulus” bill. The closed door partisan negotiations that led to the final porkulus legisaltion were disgraceful. Human Events reported that Republicans were completely cut out of the late night House-Senate package negotiations -- so much for the open door policy vows.

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence had this to say:

“I think the American people deserve to know that legislation that would comprise an amount equal to the entire discretionary budget of the United States of America is being crafted without a single House Republican in the room.”

And despite promises that the 1100 page bill would be made available to the public 48 hours prior to a vote, Human Events reports that the hard copy of the legislation was officially made available at 11pm Thursday night, just 10 hours prior to members of the House meeting to consider the bill.

Looks like hope and change have been thrown under the bus with all of the other pesky promises and advisors that have gotten in the way of Obama’s  and the Democrat’s new power trip.

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