February 18, 2009
Obama-style enterprise
For those still sufficiently confused and believing President Obama to be just another liberal:
Mr. Blake Jones is the founder and chief executive of the "green energy" solar company, Namaste Solar, in Colorado. Mr. Jones introduced President Obama during his Denver visit, February 16, 2009 where he signed into law the 1,073-page "Stimulus" Bill passed by Congress 15 hours after clearing the House and Senate conference committee without being read in toto by anyone but House Speaker, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, Senator Majority Leader, Democrat Harry Reid, their respective staffs, and a few negotiators, including three nominal Republican senators enjoying a little press. Not a single Republican in the House voted for the measure.
As is quite obvious and been widely reported, no member of Congress was fully aware of its contents, and likely totally unaware of the vast majority of its pork-filled provisions. This did not stop the rush to push through the greatest single spending measure in American history.
Mr. Jones stands to gain greatly from the "green energy" portions of the "Stimulus" which include $42 Billion for "renewable energy" "investments."
Mr. Jones' company has suffered the cancellation of numerous commercial projects, and has frozen all hiring. Unlike countless other small business which are not being bailed-out by this President and his Democrat-controlled Congress, Mr. Jones' solar sales can look forward to a rosy future of government largesse.
Here is Namaste Solar's business model, one the President of the United States tacitly, if not otherwise, not merely congratulated, but endorsed:
- Environmental concerns would be a driving force in every aspect of the company.
- Six weeks of paid time off.
- A concept called FOH -- frank, open and honest -- to help eliminate gossip and grudges.
- Employees, no matter what their job description, have the same pay scale.
- One percent of yearly revenues goes to solar systems donated to community groups.
- All major decisions would be made by consensus of all company employees.
[Source: CNN.com, Technology, accessed February 18, 2009; also see: The Denver Post]
Capitalism? Maybe not.
And by the way, "Namasté," in Sanskrit, means, "I bow to you." Namasté is derived from the Sanskrit word "namas" meaning "to bow," or obeisance, as in a reverential salutation; and "te" meaning "to you."