American Thinker Blog
February 28, 2009
Clear Thinking on Global WarmingFebruary 28, 2009
A final thought on CPAC and the futureFebruary 28, 2009
Obama's Creative Stealth TaxationFebruary 28, 2009
Maybe time to re-read an assessment of Obama's narcissismFebruary 28, 2009
Spielberg: the magic is goneFebruary 28, 2009
More second thoughts by pro-Israel Obama supportersFebruary 28, 2009
Blog hero Steve Gilbert to receive CPAC award at 1 PM ESTFebruary 28, 2009
Obama's new intelligence council chief and his Saudi tiesFebruary 28, 2009
Media idiot of the dayFebruary 28, 2009
Blaming Bush: Insanity or Lack of Integrity?February 28, 2009
Amazing animation of Hudson River landing of US 1549February 28, 2009
Kudlow goes to WarFebruary 27, 2009
Airbrushing Obama's name off earmarksFebruary 27, 2009
Obama throws Durban II under the bus - finallyFebruary 27, 2009
Obama may throw over 'conscience rule'February 27, 2009
How government works: What they mean by 'urgency'February 27, 2009
Atlas Readies Shrug?February 27, 2009
Revised GDP numbers from 4th quarter show 6.2% declineFebruary 27, 2009
Atlas shrugs, moves to MassachusettsFebruary 27, 2009
Time To Set Aside Childish ThingsFebruary 27, 2009
The WaPo gets the shakes at O-dacity.February 27, 2009
What Are They Thinking Now?February 27, 2009
Obama Said He Would Bankrupt the Coal IndustryFebruary 27, 2009
Larrey Anderson and Eileen McDevitt on the Mike Church ShowFebruary 26, 2009
The Game's AfootFebruary 26, 2009
Behind the scenes at Jindal's responseFebruary 26, 2009
Daniel Henniger's shot across the bowFebruary 26, 2009
No Surprises HereFebruary 26, 2009
The Mexican Excuse: Stealing FreedomFebruary 26, 2009
Smelling Salts Required: Deficit to hit $1.75 trillion under ObamaFebruary 26, 2009
Marty Peretz as a judge of characterFebruary 26, 2009
Will no one rid us of this embarassment? (update: A dissent)February 26, 2009
Spreading misery via unionsFebruary 26, 2009
The damage unions will doFebruary 26, 2009
Live from CPAC - latest ACU RankingsFebruary 26, 2009
Where the best dressed First Lady ShopsFebruary 26, 2009
The Obama Way: Hit the Ground PromisingFebruary 26, 2009
Raids? ... We don't need no stinkin' Raids!February 25, 2009
Airbrushing Obama's name off earmarksFebruary 25, 2009
Obama and the Clash of CivilizationsFebruary 25, 2009
Giving Obama the Byrd?February 25, 2009
Sympathy for the devilFebruary 25, 2009
Conde Nast Reaps What It SowedFebruary 25, 2009
'Wrong Way' ObamaFebruary 25, 2009
AIPAC Prosecution Receives Another BlowFebruary 25, 2009
'Consensus' on global warming collapsingFebruary 25, 2009
More historical obfuscation from Obama's address to CongressFebruary 25, 2009
Socialized medicine, here we comeFebruary 25, 2009
Dilbert on the bailout hearingsFebruary 25, 2009
Where's the outrage?February 25, 2009
Obama's shaky claims before Congress (updated)February 25, 2009
Obama speech: boilerplate SOTU with shades of old testament prophetsFebruary 25, 2009
Obama plays God and Santa ClausFebruary 25, 2009
US grovels at Durban IIFebruary 24, 2009
'The Other McCain,' Fausta Wertz, Stephen Green with CPAC PreviewFebruary 24, 2009
The great American bargain housing bazaarFebruary 24, 2009
Rocket carrying global warming satellite plunges into Pacific: UPDATEDFebruary 24, 2009
More personnel trouble for Obama?February 24, 2009
Northern Trust, flush with bailout cash, throws big party in Los AngelesFebruary 24, 2009
Democrat hypocritesFebruary 24, 2009
House Dems want to spend $410 billion moreFebruary 24, 2009
An updated version of 'The Little Red Hen'February 24, 2009
Will Samantha Power have a role in giving aid to Hamas?February 24, 2009
Do the Honkey Pokey -- that's what it's all aboutFebruary 24, 2009
Dem culture of corruption (cont.)February 24, 2009
Obama's New Spy Chief Publishes a Vicious Anti Israel JournalFebruary 23, 2009
Bailing out AIG ... from the Bottom of the OceanFebruary 23, 2009
US plans to pledge 900 million dollars to GazaFebruary 23, 2009
Welcome to 1984 and our new Master of DoublespeakFebruary 23, 2009
Tennis stars show Obama administration how to handle bigotryFebruary 23, 2009
Who caused the mortgage crisis?February 23, 2009
WaPo's Samuelson savages the stimulusFebruary 23, 2009
Space Brain Drain in Reverse Ahead?February 23, 2009
NYT covers Murdoch newspaper woesFebruary 23, 2009
New York Times columnist Roger Cohen a useful idiot for IranFebruary 23, 2009
WaPo's pre-emptive PC apologyFebruary 23, 2009
Philly newspapers bankruptFebruary 23, 2009
Intolerance at the OscarsFebruary 23, 2009
What Obama's Proposed Intelligence Chief is Teaching Your ChildrenFebruary 23, 2009
More Guards to Guard the GuardsFebruary 23, 2009
Citi and the Slow Boiling FrogFebruary 22, 2009
Anna Bayefsky says Obama is Sacrificing IsraelFebruary 22, 2009
Let the freemarket fix the housing problem: KudlowFebruary 22, 2009
Hey kids! Let's nationalize the banks! (NY Times)February 22, 2009
Obama's Chicago and the success of 'community organzing'February 22, 2009
Ed Lasky on Obama's CavalryFebruary 22, 2009
Either the biggest scoop of the century or the biggest hoaxFebruary 22, 2009
Exactly who is getting bailed out?February 22, 2009
Clinton throws Tibet under the busFebruary 22, 2009
Hillary to Chinese: Buy U.S. Debt!February 22, 2009
Will Herb and Marion Sandler pay a price?February 22, 2009
Where am I wrong?February 22, 2009
Obama's New Budget Deficit MathFebruary 21, 2009
Our Keystone Cops Foreign PolicyFebruary 21, 2009
Report: Gitmo meets Geneva standards - left is disappointedFebruary 21, 2009
The nauseating hypocrisy of the left on Bill MoyersFebruary 21, 2009
Obama's unionization driveFebruary 21, 2009
The trend is the GOP's friendFebruary 21, 2009
Meet the Anti-Israeli future head of our NICFebruary 21, 2009
Paper: British Muslims aiding TalibanFebruary 21, 2009
UK schools teaching students to see things through terrorists' eyesFebruary 21, 2009
Loose lips sink marketsFebruary 21, 2009
Catholics can't buy a Fairness DoctrineFebruary 21, 2009
Meet Joe the Plumber's Brother: Rick the TraderFebruary 20, 2009
Netanyahu to be Israel's next Prime MinisterFebruary 20, 2009
ACORN Brownshirts break into foreclosed homes in acts of 'civil disobedience'February 20, 2009
Hey! Let's allow Big Brother to keep track of our highway mileage!February 20, 2009
New head coming to the IAEAFebruary 20, 2009
Dems letting taxpayers finance Obama rallyFebruary 20, 2009
Do campaign promises mean anything?February 20, 2009
Don't know much about ArithmeticFebruary 20, 2009
Chu on ThisFebruary 20, 2009
New Urban Affairs CzarFebruary 20, 2009
New York Post caves to racialists. Apologizes for chimp cartoon that had nothing to do with raceFebruary 20, 2009
Obama to get taxpayers to help hedge fundsFebruary 20, 2009
Again, religious persecution in IranFebruary 19, 2009
Obama Reportedly Picks Israel Hater to Lead National Intelligence CouncilFebruary 19, 2009
Porkulus notesFebruary 19, 2009
New York Times suspends dividendFebruary 19, 2009
New Ruling May Well Lead to AIPAC AcquittalsFebruary 19, 2009
California saved from budget calamity - sort ofFebruary 19, 2009
Iran destroys Sufi holy siteFebruary 19, 2009
Knock, Knock...anyone home at the White House?February 19, 2009
Congressional ban on members visiting Gaza under the busFebruary 19, 2009
'Are we post-racial yet?'February 19, 2009
Remembering Australia's Pearl HarborFebruary 19, 2009
100 Congressmen place earmarks in spending bill for clients of one lobbying companyFebruary 19, 2009
Sen. Durbin all but calls on Burris to resignFebruary 18, 2009
6 reporters go to work for ObamaFebruary 18, 2009
New labels to bring more union duesFebruary 18, 2009
Putin warns US to eschew socialismFebruary 18, 2009
Obama-style enterpriseFebruary 18, 2009
What a real energy policy looks likeFebruary 18, 2009
The other shoe: $75 billion for homeownersFebruary 18, 2009
Stimulus Bill Railroaded through Congress before Obama cabinet ready to spend itFebruary 18, 2009
Allies of Palestinians have a powerful friend in ObamaFebruary 18, 2009
Problems with fetal stem cell 'cure'February 18, 2009
Transparency you can believe in?February 18, 2009
Another Chicago Alderman off to jailFebruary 18, 2009
'Fairness' for fun and mostly profitFebruary 18, 2009
Did Democrats cover up Burris lies to get Stim bill passed?February 18, 2009
The Axis Pushing the US into Durban II (updated)February 18, 2009
Republicans Say, 'Imitate Sweden'February 17, 2009
Clarice Feldman, Kim Priestap, and Kender MacGowan on Moran's radio showFebruary 17, 2009
The next big financial scandalFebruary 17, 2009
Kill the rich!February 17, 2009
Why Geithner Laid an Egg with his Bank Bailout IIFebruary 17, 2009
The widening gap between Obama campaign rhetoric and behaviorFebruary 17, 2009
Coming Soon: Hi-Speed rail boondoggleFebruary 17, 2009
Wasn't Bush belittled for taking time off during the war?February 17, 2009
Australia turns to socialized health careFebruary 17, 2009
Obama 'Auto Advisor' a former steelworker's negotiatorFebruary 17, 2009
Now we applaud dictators?February 17, 2009
No cuts or caps for executive salaries in Big EducationFebruary 17, 2009
Obama's Mistaken Political CalculationFebruary 17, 2009
Burris whines that 'Media and Republicans are almost destroying my character'February 17, 2009
Journalists without shameFebruary 17, 2009
A tough 12 months for global warming theoristsFebruary 17, 2009
Another day older (a poem)February 16, 2009
Will Welfare 'Unreform' Undo the Dems?February 16, 2009
New PBS outrageFebruary 16, 2009
C-Span's new Presidential rankings; Lincoln first, Bush not lastFebruary 16, 2009
Global Warming: Seriously Worse than WorseFebruary 16, 2009
3 weeks in and grumbling already from liberals about ObamaFebruary 16, 2009
Venezuela's Presidente for life?February 16, 2009
Eastern Europe on the brink of financial collapse?February 16, 2009
That swirling sound you hear is Pakistan going down the drain...February 16, 2009
Amidst budget crisis, NY Governor Paterson gives raises to some state workersFebruary 16, 2009
Pelosi's daughter with a 'drive by' documentary on McCain-Palin supportersFebruary 15, 2009
Chavez and Obama: Scary ComparisonFebruary 15, 2009
Saudi money behind wife-beheader's TV operation?February 15, 2009
IL House Republicans looking into perjury charges against BurrisFebruary 15, 2009
Has Obama thrown Iran sanctions under the bus?February 15, 2009
Are you ready for 'Stimulus: The Return?'February 15, 2009
White House flew Sen. Brown back from Ohio for Stim voteFebruary 15, 2009
Obama's TransparencyFebruary 15, 2009
Obama Administration may participate in Durban IIFebruary 15, 2009
How to Cash in on the Bailout MoneyFebruary 14, 2009
NY Honor Killer's Muslim Sympathy Site YankedFebruary 14, 2009
Burris forgot to mention solicitation by Blago's brother for campaign fundsFebruary 14, 2009
Obama's Doomsday talk a sham?February 14, 2009
The stimulus bill vote is like...February 14, 2009
Romance, the flaming passion of lifeFebruary 14, 2009
Giving Al Gore a run for his Carbon CreditsFebruary 14, 2009
Ted Stevens' prosecution held in contempt (updated)February 14, 2009
Hate to ruin your weekend, but...February 14, 2009
King Abdullah appoints a woman to council of ministersFebruary 14, 2009
Time Magazine's list of 25 culprits in the financial meltdownFebruary 14, 2009
Hey! Let's give a friend of Reverend Wright a job in the White House.February 14, 2009
Promises Are Meant to be BrokenFebruary 14, 2009
Utopia (a poem)February 13, 2009
Good News! Specter's numbers tanking in PAFebruary 13, 2009
The Fairness Doctrine choo-choo has left the stationFebruary 13, 2009
The buffoonery of Charles Rangel on displayFebruary 13, 2009
Rubin: 'You guys are freaking us out'February 13, 2009
Lincoln's 200th celebrationsFebruary 13, 2009
Are Israelis suicidal?February 13, 2009
Hey! Let's accept the Iranian bomb as a fait accompli, says the National Intelligence DirectorFebruary 13, 2009
HR 1February 13, 2009
Obama continues to ignore Midwest storm victimsFebruary 13, 2009
Is this what they mean by 'transparent' government?February 13, 2009
Here come exploding welfare rollsFebruary 13, 2009
Californians fleeing failed welfare stateFebruary 13, 2009
Muslim mob attacks Jewish center in TorontoFebruary 13, 2009
Peril in the Stimulus Bill VoteFebruary 12, 2009
AAA$ $ELL$ GLOBAL $IZZLE $CIENCE!February 12, 2009
Support for Hamas dropping in GazaFebruary 12, 2009
A Tale of Two HeadlinesFebruary 12, 2009
Commerce Department unilaterally lifts some sanctions against SyriaFebruary 12, 2009
Pelosi's Pet Pork ProjectsFebruary 12, 2009
Obama the legal scholar screws upFebruary 12, 2009
The stimulus boondoggleFebruary 12, 2009
More casualties of environmentalismFebruary 12, 2009
Obama Ignores Intelligence FindingsFebruary 12, 2009
Obama's idea of comforting people in this crisisFebruary 12, 2009
In Detroit, crime paysFebruary 12, 2009
Celebrating Obama on Lincoln's BirthdayFebruary 12, 2009
Jindal to give SoTU responseFebruary 11, 2009
Iowahawk on the stimulusFebruary 11, 2009
When did his official title change to 'Honorable'?February 11, 2009
Obama's demonologyFebruary 11, 2009
Question for GeithnerFebruary 11, 2009
Gaming public pensionsFebruary 11, 2009
AP's Doggone shameFebruary 11, 2009
Scary thought for the day: Obama and Geithner don't have a clueFebruary 11, 2009
Brits to Pakistanis: Please don't hurt us!February 11, 2009
Michelle Obama's former employer is downsizingFebruary 11, 2009
Is child abuse rampant at Chicago Public Schools?February 11, 2009
The 3:10 to SerfdomFebruary 11, 2009
Kadima ekes out narrow win over Likud. Now the hard part.February 11, 2009
Obama seeks seat on UN Human Rights CouncilFebruary 11, 2009
Kerry reveals his contempt for the American peopleFebruary 11, 2009
Change Some May Not Want You To Believe InFebruary 10, 2009
Barry Rubin, Rich Baehr on The Rick Moran ShowFebruary 10, 2009
Schumer's ArroganceFebruary 10, 2009
Surprising turnout for Israeli electionsFebruary 10, 2009
Obama Drops Warming Hype for News ConferenceFebruary 10, 2009
FBI Visiting More Murtha PalsFebruary 10, 2009
Obama lied - Economists criedFebruary 10, 2009
Get Out of Jail ... and Get Free Health CareFebruary 10, 2009
Who were those people disguised as reporters at Obama's presser?February 10, 2009
Looting higher education (updated)February 10, 2009
Hamas thuggery even too much for Amnesty InternationalFebruary 10, 2009
Stealth changes to welfare rulesFebruary 10, 2009
Obama fear-mongering working to depress travelFebruary 10, 2009
A big Ploufe payoff hits a snagFebruary 10, 2009
Cha Cha ChangeFebruary 9, 2009
The 2012 Pelosi GTxi SS/RT Sport EditionFebruary 9, 2009
Global Warming Causes Mental IllnessFebruary 9, 2009
Needed: anti-Obi gesturesFebruary 9, 2009
Who Says Obama's Not Funny?February 9, 2009
A GOP Turncoat's mealy mouthed defenseFebruary 9, 2009
Australia's Wildfires: Climate Change or Crime?February 9, 2009
'50 Destimulating Facts'February 9, 2009
Hoosier Hope or Hype?February 9, 2009
Public prefers 'worn out ideas' like tax cuts to pork spendingFebruary 9, 2009
Oppo researcher gets prime spot in Obama White HouseFebruary 9, 2009
Torture, or Tortured Language?February 9, 2009
'It's a recession, not a catastrophe'February 9, 2009
Cooking American FrogsFebruary 9, 2009
Governor Mark Sanford on 'The Savior Economy'February 8, 2009
Lancing Lancet (updated)February 8, 2009
It isn't just the jobs lost, it's new hires at low ebbFebruary 8, 2009
Why I Like JoeFebruary 8, 2009
Bleak choices facing Geithner in trying to save the banksFebruary 8, 2009
Is Obama laying the groundwork for a withdrawal from Afghanistan?February 8, 2009
Steyn on Obama's 'Dirty Dozen' cabinetFebruary 8, 2009
Selective fact checking from the New York TimesFebruary 8, 2009
Employees of the MonthFebruary 8, 2009
Artistic 'Hope' you can believe inFebruary 8, 2009
Joe Biden to Dems: Ignore the VotersFebruary 8, 2009
Mighty Porkulus Oinks AlongFebruary 7, 2009
Britain to America: 'What have you done?'February 7, 2009
Cher says living under Bush almost killed herFebruary 7, 2009
Bail out bucks for bicycles?February 7, 2009
Iran to Obama: You are not groveling enoughFebruary 7, 2009
The outrage you never heard aboutFebruary 7, 2009
Little noted move on census by Obama could spell GOP disasterFebruary 7, 2009
No drilling on Utah public landsFebruary 7, 2009
Iran: The stakesFebruary 7, 2009
How's that 'Grass Roots' effort coming, Barak?February 7, 2009
Democrats, fake Republicans in 'deal' on bail outFebruary 7, 2009
Pakistan Releases Abdul Qadeer KhanFebruary 7, 2009
Republican Defeat By ModerationFebruary 7, 2009
They Live! - Liberals and Space AliensFebruary 6, 2009
Another global warming ripoffFebruary 6, 2009
Icicles in Palm BeachFebruary 6, 2009
Biden and his Overwhelming OptimismFebruary 6, 2009
Obama's LeninismFebruary 6, 2009
Obama's New Definition of 'Bipartisan'February 6, 2009
An Economist's Advice to President ObamaFebruary 6, 2009
The variable literary craftsmanship of Barack ObamaFebruary 6, 2009
Obama throws some red meat to Hill DemocratsFebruary 6, 2009
Al-Qeada uses rape to indoctrinate suicide bombersFebruary 6, 2009
Sweden to go nuclear. Why can't we?February 6, 2009
The realities of our oil dependencyFebruary 6, 2009
Pelosi's Prodigious PigFebruary 6, 2009
New York Times ridiculous editorial on the stimulusFebruary 6, 2009
Sen. Stabenow threatens talk radio with 'accountability'February 6, 2009
Shuttlecock Diplomacy with Iran a failureFebruary 6, 2009
Hope and Change (a poem)February 5, 2009
New meaning of government oversightFebruary 5, 2009
The Road to Obama's SocialismFebruary 5, 2009
More Gun Control Introduced in CongressFebruary 5, 2009
A Japan-style L-shaped near depression?February 5, 2009
The only thing we have to fear is catastrophe itselfFebruary 5, 2009
Iran tells Obama he must 'accept' the Iranian nuke programFebruary 5, 2009
Tales of Stimulus porkFebruary 5, 2009
Lancet study on Iraqi war deaths dead and buriedFebruary 5, 2009
The California implosion beginsFebruary 5, 2009
Obama with an editorial in WaPo throws short term stimulus under the busFebruary 5, 2009
How the EU is helping Iran build nukesFebruary 5, 2009
Hamas seizes UN humanitarian aidFebruary 5, 2009
Slop about hogs from a prize boorFebruary 5, 2009
Social engineering rampantFebruary 5, 2009
A GOP Defining Moment for '10February 4, 2009
Obama didn't learn about the law of unintended consequences at HarvardFebruary 4, 2009
President's Council on Faith?February 4, 2009
We need Sarbanes-Oxley regulations for CongressFebruary 4, 2009
Obama warns of 'catastrophe' if bail out isn't passedFebruary 4, 2009
More confusion, incompetence from the White HouseFebruary 4, 2009
Lies and damned liesFebruary 4, 2009
The newspaper cartel?February 4, 2009
Shaming women to deathFebruary 4, 2009
Government to tell businesses how much they can pay their employeesFebruary 4, 2009
Surprise! Bail out bill stalled in the SenateFebruary 4, 2009
The Shot Heard Round New HampshireFebruary 4, 2009
Biden flubs Hillary's OathFebruary 4, 2009
Daschle/Geithner/Killefer Lessons LearnedFebruary 4, 2009
A Tale of Two Storms, or Let them eat wagyuFebruary 4, 2009
The Stimulus Bill, in Fifteen Words (updated)February 3, 2009
Getting arrested for conversion violates Terms of Service agreementsFebruary 3, 2009
Fausta Wertz, Jazz Shaw on The Rick Moran Show TonightFebruary 3, 2009
Is Ignorance a Prerequisite for Acting?February 3, 2009
Form 1040 DemFebruary 3, 2009
The Obama cult and self identityFebruary 3, 2009
Richard Baehr on the airFebruary 3, 2009
Obama on collision course with military over Iraq?February 3, 2009
'Daniel Pearl and the Normalization of Evil'February 3, 2009
What Planet is Obama From?February 3, 2009
Even liberal rags are calling for Daschle to step asideFebruary 3, 2009
The looming problem of Public Sector PensionsFebruary 3, 2009
Palin makes the case for drilling in ANWRFebruary 3, 2009
Giveaway (a poem)February 2, 2009
Ed Lasky on the airFebruary 2, 2009
Dems step up the pressure on Republicans with partisan attacksFebruary 2, 2009
Why nationalizing the banks is a crummy ideaFebruary 2, 2009
A Super Bowl We Can Believe In?February 2, 2009
Boston Globe: 'Bailout Journalists!'February 2, 2009
Obama Struggling to Find Photo-Op RepublicansFebruary 2, 2009
Ambassador Rice signals shift in US policy toward ICCFebruary 2, 2009
Another 'Do as I say' moment for ObamaFebruary 2, 2009
Daschle should follow his own adviceFebruary 2, 2009
A radical plan from the New York Times to save itself?February 2, 2009
Shining Examples (a poem)February 2, 2009
Here Comes the Trojan HorseFebruary 1, 2009
Form 1040 (Dem)February 1, 2009
Hamas Hummus (updated)February 1, 2009
Noticing who's a Jew....February 1, 2009
Fight Global Warming! Get an abortion!February 1, 2009
Football Then and NowFebruary 1, 2009
Amity Shlaes on FDR and the DepressionFebruary 1, 2009
Obama to keep RenditionsFebruary 1, 2009
Watergate revisionism and the NYT's blind eyeFebruary 1, 2009
Cardinals Win Super Bowl in Overtime Upset!February 1, 2009
Jihad in Gaza's historyFebruary 1, 2009
Surprise! Iran sneers at Obama's peace offeringFebruary 1, 2009
Daschle Skirted Lobbying Law, TooFebruary 1, 2009
Super Bowl PoliticsFebruary 1, 2009
Turkish Prime Minister redefines 'outrage'
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Blog Posts
- A new low: Leftist terrorists damage the Tesla of a woman in a wheelchair, leaving her with repair costs
- A Tale of Two Families
- ‘Gruesome’ trans-ing of animals is the key to fine-tuning trans ‘care’
- New report: NYPD officer accused of spying for the Chinese…from the same building as the FBI field office
- Quebec to ban religious symbols in schools?
- Joe Biden can help Republicans
- Low-hanging fruit is not enough
- Trump Makes Coal Great Again
- Israel’s appearance in the JFK files does not connect it to JFK’s death
- Waiting for an investigation of COVID-19 crimes
- Has Women’s History Month served its purpose?
- Democrats and their digging
- Obesity epidemic: Sometimes, the most obvious answer is on the table
- Trump officials ‘inadvertently’ include a reporter in their Yemen chat
- America’s new generation of young women who don’t want marriage or babies