The Nationalized Anthem

Oh say, I can't see,
now at dawn or at night.
Social healthcare was hailed
as the cure for costs teeming.
Whose free price would save all
from an uninsured plight
but Avastin's denied
by their postal code scheming.
Now I squint and I stare,
my sight fades in fuzzed glare,
thus proving Rush right,
it's the costliest health-care!
O, say how this
socialized clap-trap enslaves,
in this land where health-care's free,
pray to God your sight's saved!

This rendition of our National Anthem is based on the true story of Brian Turner.  He is a British senior citizen who developed a degenerative eye disease and has completely lost sight in one eye.  He was denied the sight saving drug Avastin  to save his other eye because he had the unfortunate luck to live in a postal code that didn't win the government lottery scheme that offered such care.  You heard me right, they have a lottery scheme that only offers degenerative eye disease drugs to specific postal codes.
These nationalized healthcare schemes never work.  Rationing of health services in such places always surfaces to deal with the tsunami of costs.  I wish you all good health, because this evil system is coming our way very soon.  Elections have consequences.
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