The Curious Case of Christopher Dodd

In a January 12 interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC's "Good Morning America", Christopher Dodd blamed the myriad bailout foibles on the Bush Administration.  Hitting your opponent on his way out of the ring would generally be considered unsportsmanlike, but Dodd confabulates with such conviction that the sucker punches go unnoticed time and again.

Curiously, as a US Senator, Dodd takes no responsibility for the bailout legislation, and its flaws, that he voted for.  More curiously, even though he is the Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, Dodd can somehow wash his hands of his role in recent financial collapse.  Even more curiously, he implies that he was duped by a President that liberals have been claiming has the IQ of a turnip:

Diane Sawyer:  Are you saying the Bush administration tricked you, pulled the wool over your eyes?

Christopher Dodd: They didn't say what they were going to do. 535 members of Congress cannot manage a program like this.

Was Dodd asleep at the wheel?  Was he too busy calculating the interest savings on the sweetheart  mortgage deal that he, by sheer coincidence, received from Countrywide Financial,  that he was absolutely shocked to discover could be construed as buying influence, and that in no way was related to any financial woes Countrywide might be having?

At least when the Roman Emperor Caligula installed his horse in the Senate, he sent the whole horse.  Most curiously, every six years, Connecticut voters see fit to send only the hindquarters.
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