Skirmishes continue despite Gaza truce

Following Israel's unilateral cease fire, the terrorists from Hamas fired around 13 rockets into Israel, vowing to continue the fight until the IDF had left the Strip.

Apparently, that pledge has now gone by the wayside as Hamas has declared a "one week cese fire" in order to allow the Israelis to leave:

The Palestinian groups said in a statement that they would give Israeli troops a week to leave Gaza. Hamas leaders outside Gaza had previously said the group would continue fighting so long as Israeli troops remained on the ground.

The cease-fire announcement, coming after 22 days of war that killed more than 1,200 Palestinians and 13 Israelis, was confirmed by the Palestinian groups’ exiled leaders meeting in Damascus.

It came after Egypt held talks with Hamas representatives, and as European and Arab leaders gathered in the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm El Sheik for a summit meeting designed to turn the fragile truce into a more durable arrangement. Egypt has been trying to broker a longer-term deal between Israel and Hamas.

Hamas demands the opening of the crossings on Gaza’s borders, while Israel is seeking an end to weapons smuggling into Gaza across the Egyptian border, and an halt to Hamas rocket fire.

There were also some gun battles with Hamas soldiers following the unilateral cessation of hostilities by Israel but apparently nothing that would re-ignite general hostilities.


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