December 20, 2008
The next complaint
For those of you wondering about what new red meat the NAACP would seek out to remain relevant with the "historic" election of the first World President and the reshaping of a country that for the first time can give us all pride...well...wait no more! The NAACP is now outraged at absence of African-Americans in television prime time lineups. Admittedly, I lost touch with much of network television sometime between the end of the first OJ trial and the beginning of mindless reality programming, but am heartened greatly to now know that historic ills such as out of wedlock births, teenage pregnancy, black on black crime, welfare dependency, poorly performing schools, drug abuse and violence, and the glorification of gangsta culture and absentee fathers have now been solved with the election of our new President. With that glass ceiling now forever shattered, our collective national guilt cleansed, and change on the way, the NAACP can now turn their flamethrowers to mop up operations against the Hollywood insurgency.
"At a time when the country is excited about the election of the first African American president in U.S. history," said Benjamin Todd Jealous, who was appointed in May to head the civil rights organization, "it is unthinkable that minorities would be so grossly underrepresented on broadcast television."
Currently, there are only three shows on prime time network television that have minorities in the leading roles: 'CSI,' 'The Unit,' and 'Ugly Betty.'
Jealous has promised to "bring the hammer down" on those who individuals who don't bring about diversity, including political sanctions."
Mr. Jealous (that is his name) certainly lives up to his title in the typical "straining the gnat and swallowing the camel" strategy of NAACP agitation. Hopefully Mr. President will "bring the hammer down" on Mr. Jealous for his divisive and empty rhetoric. Boycotts and economic blackmail are more of the same from the NAACP and not "change we can believe in."