More Shennanigans Charged in Stevens' Criminal Case

The prosecution of Senator Ted Stevens more and more  seems to have  been scandalous. Yesterday we reported that an FBI agent who worked on that case filed an 8 page affidavit charging his fellow agents and the prosecution team with wrongdoing which deprived the Senator of a fair trial.

Today we learn of an affidavit filed by a prosecution witness who claims he testified under a grant of immunity which the prosecution denies ever making. One wonders how, if these charges are true, the now ex- Senator and the people of Alaska will get redress. The Anchorage Daily News reports:
David Anderson, the government witness at the center of the storm involving ex-state Sen. Jerry Ward and allegations of misconduct in U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens' trial, has written a new letter to the judge in the Stevens case asserting again that prosecutors promised him and his friends immunity.

In his latest letter, Anderson offered a more detailed explanation about why he prepared an affidavit in March in which he listed 13 people whom he said were promised immunity by the government in exchange for his cooperation.

Ward, the father of Anderson's girlfriend, was on the list.

Prosecutors have denied they ever promised immunity to Anderson or anyone on his list. Anderson testified during the Stevens trial that the March affidavit was false.

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