James Hansen's carbon tax dreams

Today's Wall Street Journal has an interesting editorial noting that the father of Anthropogenic Global Warming, James Hansen, has come out in favor of a 100% rebated carbon tax and fourth generation nuclear power plants! [emphases added throughout]

"Mr. Hansen endorses a straight carbon tax as the only "honest, clear and effective" way to reduce emissions, with the revenues rebated in their entirety to consumers on a per-capita basis. "Not one dime should go to Washington for politicians to pick winners," he writes."

"Unrealistically, Mr. Hansen also favors a complete phase-out of coal-fired electric power, arguing that it be replaced by advanced nuclear, which could be capable of recycling radioactive waste within a decade. He adds: "It is essential that hardened 'environmentalists' not be allowed to delay the R&D on 4th generation nuclear power." We'd like to see him debate Al Gore on that one."

This is a variation on an earlier theme where he elaborated on the carbon tax, even going so far as to say

"Carbon tax and 100% dividend, on the contrary, will be a breath of fresh air, a boon and boom for the economy. The tax is progressive, the poorest benefitting most, with profligate energy users forced to pay for their excesses. Incidentally, it will yield strong incentive for aliens to become legal; otherwise they receive no dividend while paying the same carbon tax rate as everyone."

That makes one wonder how his reputation will survive now that he is against cap & trade and for nuclear power and denying illegal immigrants access to an income redistribution money pot.

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