It's Not Just the Students who Lie, Cheat, and Steal

Many math teachers in our public schools ... don't know any math. And some states are hiding this fact.

The study of mathematics is essential for learning how to think. Mathematics is as close to logic as any other science. If a person can't add and subtract -- then that person will have a very difficult time thinking logically.

Keeping that in mind, a children's advocacy group, Education Trust, has announced that not a lot of America's math teachers have much training in math. Using numbers from the U.S. Department of Education, the Education Trust report noted:

* In poorer school districts two fifths of the math teachers are without a college major or certification in math.

* In schools with large minority populations, unqualified teachers teach one third of the math classes.

It follows that many inner city school children are not learning math. And if they grow up ignorant of mathematics, they are likely to grow up being unable to think rationally.

So much for "No Child Left Behind." This federal legislation, passed in 2002, included mandates that required teachers in core subjects like math to be rated as "highly qualified" by 2006.

The AP wire story that covered the study showed how state education bureaucracies are "cooking the books" on teacher certifications to keep the promised federal funding from "No Child Left Behind."

In Arizona, for example, the state claimed in 2004 teachers that met the federal standards taught almost 95% of Arizona's public school system's core classes. The real number is probably under 60%. The AP reports that at least 16 other states have inflated these findings.

The other day I wrote a blog on students who lie, cheat, and steal. Now we know why our kids are learning how to do it. The public educational system is corrupt. The entire system is built on a foundation of fraud. The states lie, cheat, and steal to keep the federal money.

Here is a question class: how do we stop our public school system scam? Anyone? Anyone?

How about more private competition and less government bureaucracy?

Hat tip: My wife.


An American Thinker reader sent in a link to a website on teachers’ unions and their effect on public education. The site is well worth a visit. Check it out here.

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