Is Preventive Detention In the Wings?

Tom Maguire notices the New York Times is suddenly getting weepy at the thought of where to house the terrorist thugs if Gitmo is closed, and it would appear that there's some movement afoot to get Congress to pass a preventive detention act.

So this new Dem-dominated Congress is going to pass a preventive detention law that Bush never tried to run through a Republican controlled Congress in the heat of war?  Hmm, and I'm the Queen of May.  Yes, I get that Bush was not interested in pushing for such a law and in expanding Executive Branch authority, but still -- there is no way a preventive detention law gets through this Congress. 

The Captain tees of[f] on this and related Obama re-positioning on enhanced interogation, which will never, ever be called torture after Jan 20 2009.

PRINCIPLE OVER POLITICS: Will Attack Reps run the international equivalent of Willie Horton ads after some of the Gitmo alumni resume their life of terror?  Sure, but principled Dems can endure the consequences of their principled decisions, yes?

We will surely see how much of the teeth gnashing about terrorists' rights was simple BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome) soon. My guess is a lot. Reality bites.
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