October 24, 2008
McCain and the NYT
Too bad John McCain hasn't used the declining share prices and junk bond status of the NYT in his campaign, especially after that trash piece about Cindy McCain last weekend. Maybe McCain could have said something like: "And we should care what the NYT says about my economic policies, a company whose fortunes are declining faster than a rock in quicksand. Just look at it's share price. It's dropped 82% in six years. And that's a company whose economic advice we should emulate?"
One another note, since I follow the markets, here are some stats on the dying grey lady:
Shares of the NYT began trading September 25, 1997 at 26.50. The all-time high was at 53.00 in June 2002. Thursday's new low at 9.51 was an all-time low and 82% below the high in 2002.