Hate mailbag

As an indepent (sic), I am appauled (sic) what you truly represent.  I used to think the democrats were the real enemy, but I finally woke up to reality.  You are the worse of the 2 evils, period!

You are no thinkers, you are just lowlife fascists spewing your vile hatred and lies.  You are all hypocrites on a scale not seen since the "Pharisees" that Christ called a brood of vipers.  You preach morality and God, and try to mandate your sick evil twisted version of it down our throats through the Supreme Court.  Never mind Separation of Church and State?  Oh that's right, you don't have to play by the rule of law, or the Constitution do you?  Your agenda and version of morality is the same as Satan's.  You only care about making as much money as you can.  To hell with anyone that would support charity, or help anyone other than themselves.  Money is the root of all evil and you are the proof.  You make my flesh crawl; you are the very personification of evil.  Rest assured there is a special place in Hell for you greedy hypicritical (sic) republicans.      

You have once again destroyed the global economy due to your insatiable greed.  Yes all those CEOs and Wall Street carpet baggers aren’t republicans?  And thank you Sen. Phil Graham (sic)  (R) (sleaze bag) for the 2 pieces of deregulation legislation that opened the door for you crooks.  You creatures wouldn’t have the integrity to accept personal or political responsibility for your actions if your lives depended on it.  McBush and Falin' = The Anti Christ, as do the RNC and the rest of you pukes.

Curt Mick [cmick@sio.midco.net]
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