City Council advises letting thieves have their way

The mentality of surrendering civilization to evil continues to metastasize in the United Kingdom. The City Council of Bristol, the sixth largest city in England (pop. 410,000), has advised gardeners not to lock garden sheds, as this only forcers burglars intent on stealing valuable gardening equipment to damage sheds which the city leases to gardeners. Ricjard Savill of the Telegraph reports:

Bristol City Council claims its 'Don't Use a Padlock' initiative will save taxpayers' money because fewer sheds will have to be repaired or replaced.

Its guide reads: "Don't padlock your shed; it can save the shed being damaged if someone does try to get into it.

"If there is a break-in, always inform the police."

In World War II, Brits kept up their spirits by signing a popular song, "There'll always be an England."  This no longer seems a good bet.

Perhaps the Council will next take up the subject of relaxing local tax collection efforts, since people are bound to cheat on their taxes anyway.

Hat tip: Herbert E. Meyer

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