Bill Ayers throws a racial Molotov cocktail

It's right on Amazon -- the new book by Weatherman bomb throwers Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who sponsored Barack Obama's political coming-out party in Chicago leftwing politics. And no, it's not something Ayers and Dohrn wrote when Obama was eight years old. It's a book that is timed to come out right after this election.

Here's the Amazon blurb
Race Course Against White Supremacy
by William C. Ayers (Author), Bernardine Dohrn (Author)

White supremacy and its troubling endurance in American life is debated in these personal essays by two veteran political activists. Arguing that white supremacy has been the dominant political system in the United States since its earliest days-and that it is still very much with us-the discussion points to unexamined bigotry in the criminal justice system, election processes, war policy, and education. The book draws upon the authors' own confrontations with authorities during the Vietnam era, reasserts their belief that racism and war are interwoven issues, and offers personal stories about their lives today as parents, teachers, and reformers.

Guess what? America is racist down to its very bones, even if it elects Obama.  And Bill Ayers, who is pleased to call himself "a small 'c' communist" is nothing but a "veteran political activist" and "reformer."

This is the credo of Jeremiah Wright --- "God Damn America!" Because Wright and his fellow race- baiting neo-segregationists are convinced that whites are guilty by virtue of their race.

The Civil Rights revolution began in hope, with the support of the vast majority of whites. That is why the Civil Rights laws passed with overwhelming majorities, once the power of seniority from the Dixiecrats in Congress was overcome. Today, the tables have been turned --- public racism is all on the other side. Black liberation has become black revenge --- and it's the creation of the same Democrats who used to by the party of white racism.

This is not Dr. King's dream. It may be Obama's dream, and it is certainly Bill Ayers' dream.

This book is a flaming Molotov cocktail, aiming to worsen race relations in America by convincing blacks and Leftist whites that you --- yes, you who are reading this --- must be a White Supremacist. It spurs black paranoia, which has a real enough basis in history. This is the most cruel and malignant bomb to throw into the most racially charged election in American history. Regardless of who wins, this book will do further damage to human relationships in America.

But it certainly tells us who Ayers and Dohrn are today, doesn't it?

James Lewis blogs at
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