After the debate: reactions

Mac Fuller writes:

Final Question

Question, Tom Brokaw:    What don't you know and what will you do to learn it?

Answer, Senator Obama:    That it's not all about me; nothing.

Answer, Senator McCain:    What tomorrow will bring; be prepared.

Joe Dantone writes:

McCain has all of the right thoughts, but he isn't a leader of men, as the saying goes. He's one of the guys. He wants to work with everyone and be a nice guy, and he is SO boring.

He doesn't think about contradicting someone else with out being programmed for it. He will speak up more than Dubwa, but Dubwa wanted to work with everyone, too, remember?

Obama is a leader. That's clear. No matter what he says, people respond on a subconscious level to that. They did for Reagan, and they do for Obama.

They respond to someone else, too. Sarah Palin. That is her appeal. The smile and the homey responses and the good looks make it easy for some to respond, but it's the leadership that she shows that people respond to so energetically.

No matter what, how do we find more like her after election day?

Donnie Greer writes:

Once again we are placed in the tender mercies of an uninformed electorate.  How many voters actually watched this debate that are truly undecided?  Very few if history bears any truth.  The fact that Obama is facile and attractive will not weigh nearly as heavy with the informed voter as it will with the huge segment of voters who just show up on election day with no knowldege of candidates positions or records.  Thank God most of them only vote by accident.  Maybe McCain ought to use some of Cindy's connections to throw a huge nationwide beer bash the night before election day and any registered voter under 30 gets to drink free.  That should keep them away in droves.  Might make up for all the homeless ex-cons that ACORN drove to the polls for same day registration and voting in exchange for some liquid refreshment.  

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