Will Biden swap with Hillary?

Senator Joe Biden is now saying out loud what everybody is thinking: "Hillary Clinton might have been a better pick than me."   

Which raises an obvious but scary thought:

What if the Chicago Machine -- pardon me, the Obama campaign -- makes Biden resign? He could say "Not this year, I've got a headache. I need to spend more time with my family. Something really urgent has come up."

Michelle could make it happen with a snap of her fingers.

Obama would express great public regret, natch, but he would then have a chance to pick a White Woman. Not Hillary, because Michelle couldn't live with that, and NOBODY trusts the Clintons in the White House. But Kathleen Sibelius could be the Sarah Palin of Kansas.   

A quick switcheroo, a rabbit out of the hat, and on to the White House!

The media goes nuts, pumps up the new Veep candidate for instant fame.

It could happen. And don't think they're not talking about it in the backrooms.

What would McCain-Palin do?

First of all, point out the magic trick. The top of the ticket is still Obama, and Obama is still an unqualified rookie. McCain has the experience franchise.

Second, aren't you starting to feel funny about the Democrats this year?  Half the American electorate is finally beginning to pay attention, and suddenly we see the air coming out of the balloon?

Third, what about Hillary? Didn't she deserve the Veep consolation prize? 

An Obama/Sibelius ticket might run better than Obama/Biden. Biden is a loose-lipped disaster waiting to happen. And Obama himself is now looking more and more like a Chicago hustler who's  not ready for the big time. McCain has just shown that a spectacular Veep pick can change the dynamics.

Just a wild guess. But don't be surprised if it happens.

James Lewis blogs occasionally at dangeroustimes.wordpress.com

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