The least surprising poll result in history?

Flash! Poll shows Obama won debate!

Obama could have sent his empty suit to the debate and still "won" in the polls:" Then again, who would have noticed the difference?

A new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll shows 46% of people who watched Friday night's presidential debate say Democrat Barack Obama did a better job than Republican John McCain; 34% said McCain did better.

Obama scored even better -- 52%-35% -- when debate-watchers were asked which candidate offered the best proposals for change to solve the country's problems.

More than six in 10 people or 63% in the one-day poll, taken Saturday, said they watched the first faceoff in Oxford, Miss. For those 701 people, the margin of error was +/- 4 percentage points.

I have yet to see any internals from the poll so perhaps AT's political correspondent Rich Baehr will weigh in later with how they weighted the sample. How many more Democrats than Republicans were interviewed? My guess would be a lot more than there should have been. We know that this is a time honored device used by the media to get the result they want rather than any true reflection of public opinion.

Be that as it may, I think the best McCain could hope for in any poll on who won the debate would be a small edge. He didn't do well on the segment dealing with the economy and while Obama fumbled several places in the foreign policy exchange, he didn't commit any major gaffe.

The relentless drumbeat for Obama in the post debate spin has had its effect. Now let's see where we are at the end of the week after the Vice Presidential debate between Palin and Biden.
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