Sarah smears continue

While the full extent of the relationship between Barack Obama and William Ayers, and the utter failure of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge to produce results after spending over 100 million dollars, are of no interest to the nation's major media, the possibility that Sarah or someone related to her might have made a mistake is the highest priority for many.

Charles Martin is keeping a running count of the Sarah Palin rumors. Read his list and take a deep breath. More is on the way, and it will be even more counterproductive for the smear artists.

The Smoking Gun debunks one of the latest and hottest: that Sarah was the cause of a divorce, sparked by the unsuccessful efforts of Todd's business partner to seal his divorce records. It turns out there is nothing of the sort in the divorce papers, and the partner's reasons were purely personal.

According to the filing, Richter wanted the documents deemed confidential in a bid to cloak details about his home, workplace, and phone numbers because "reporters and news agencies" were using that information to contact him. Richter, a 39-year-old contractor, noted that he is "friends and land owners in a remote cabin" with the Palins and, as a result, journalists were intruding on the "cabin life and private life" of him and his 11-year-old son.

Ed Morrissey comments:  

Isn't that an extra dollop of irony?  Mr. Richter wants to protect his son from lunatics.  What happens?  The lunatics use that as "evidence" that Palin had an affair with Richter and descend on him to get the dirt.smear cover
Obama is great
The most appropriate word for the left today is "frenzied." They are in the process of destroying themselves as a political force capable of mobilizing Middle America, which is repelled by the viciousness of attacks on Sarah and her family. The left media and their minions in the blogosphere are so desperate that they will try anything, no matter how disgusting to normal people, to discredit Sarah. And the people are smart enough to see it and react with disgust, without the help of a community organizer.

It only requires a trip to the nearest news stand to appreciate the degree to which the media are utterly unworthy of trust.

Hat tip: Mariela Azcuy
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