Robin Williams' Odious Bigotry

Most conservatives are perfectly willing to laugh at jokes about Republicans. Indeed, Tina Fey’s impersonation of Sarah Palin on SNL last week was very humorous.  However, Robin William’s trademark rapid-fire, ad-libbed, stream-of-consciousness delivery last night on David Letterman served up only increasing derision and condescension toward Sarah Palin and her family without a trace of wit or humor.

The fact that this passes as comedy on CBS shows how intense is the culture war. If one-tenth the bigotry on display had been directed toward a liberal victims’ group, the shrieks of outrage from the Old Media would be deafening.

Thomas Lifson adds:

Another fading star has decided to display his contempt for non-members of the coastal elite. Once upon a time a lot of ordinary Americans happily laid down their money to watch Robin.

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