Obama-Biden: 'A bigger gamble for the Jewish Community' (updated)

As Matt Brooks of the Republican Jewish Coalition explains, the addition of Joe Biden to the Democratic ticket should worry those who are concerned about American policy towards Iran:

"With the selection of Senator Joe Biden as Senator Obama's vice president, the Democrat's ticket has now become an even greater gamble for the Jewish community.  Throughout his career, Senator Biden has consistently been wrong on Iran and his voting record on Israel has been inconsistent.  Like Obama, Biden fundamentally misunderstands the threat posed by an Iran determined to obtain nuclear weapons.  Biden has continuously demonstrated poor judgment on Iran.  He has voted against significant legislation that would pressure Iran to stop pursuing nuclear weapons.  Biden has failed to recognize the serious threat that Iran poses to Israel and the US and its allies in the Middle East," said RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks.  

Brooks points out that Biden was only one of 4 senators to vote against the Iran Missile Proliferation Sanctions Act, a bill that punished foreign companies or other entities that sent Iran sensitive missile technology or expertise. He also voted against designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guards a terrorist group.

And Biden has also demonstrated a lack of understanding of some of the issues between Iran and their Arab neighbors. Powerline points to this New Republic article on Biden where the Delaware senator made a fundamental error in how Arabs view Iran:

Crowley's TNR profile concludes with a striking example of Biden's foreign policy sophistication. In the wake of 9/11, in a meeting with his staff, Biden experienced an epiphany.
Biden launches into a stream-of-consciousness monologue about what his [Senate Foreign Relations] committee should be doing, before he finally admits the obvious: "I'm groping here." Then he hits on an idea: America needs to show the Arab world that we're not bent on its destruction. "Seems to me this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran," Biden declares. He surveys the table with raised eyebrows, a How do ya like that? look on his face.

Ed Lasky explains:

Iran is not an Arab nation; the Arab nations fear and loathe Iran. This would have not just been unwise but would have alienated the Arab world-the exact opposite of what Biden intended.

Amil Imani points us to this article on Biden's ties to Pro-Iran lobbyists.

Indeed, any rapproachment with Iran would have to be done very carefully lest we raise the hackles of our Arab friends in the region. Let's hope both Obama and Biden understand that if they have the opportunity to deal with the Iranians.

Hat Tip: Ed Lasky

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