Obama Campaign Finance Shenanigans


With all that money rolling in, it is to be expected that some of it is being used in a way that either skirts the letter of the law or breaks it.

Michelle Malkin is on the story of $800 thousand that went to the far left group ACORN for "advance work" that was funneled to them not by the Obama campaign but through an organization called "Citizen Services, Inc."

It turns out that Citizens Service, Inc. and ACORN share the same address in New Orleans. And the more than $800,000 given by the Obama campaign to this group was remarkable considering that the average amount paid for "advance work" in 1200 other entries on Obama's FEC report was around $540.

What was it for? Malkin has a rundown:

$310,441.20 25-FEB-08 STAGING, SOUND, LIGHTING
$160,689.40 27-FEB-08 STAGING, SOUND, LIGHTING
$98,451.20 29-FEB-08 TRAVEL/LODGING
$18,417.00 28-MAR-08 POLLING
$63,000.00 29-APR-08 ADVANCE WORK
$105.84 02-MAY-08 LICENSE FEES
$105.84 02-MAY-08 LICENSE FEES
$75,000.00 17-MAY-08 ADVANCE WORK
$13,176.20 17-MAY-08 PER DIEM

These are obviously bogus entries and the money went to ACORN for political work done on behalf of Obama. This would violate ACORN's tax exempt charter since they are supposedly a non-partisan, non political organization - a laughable designation that everyone has known for years is false.

Pittsburgh Trib has fleshed out the story:

U.S. Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign paid more than $800,000 to an offshoot of the liberal Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now for services the Democrat's campaign says it mistakenly misrepresented in federal reports.

An Obama spokesman said Federal Election Commission reports would be amended to show Citizens Services Inc. - a subsidiary of ACORN - worked in "get-out-the-vote" projects, instead of activities such as polling, advance work and staging major events as stated in FEC finance reports filed during the primary.

FEC spokeswoman Mary Brandenberger said it is not unusual for campaigns to amend reports, even regarding large sums of money.

But, said Blair Latoff, spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee: "Barack Obama's failure to accurately report his campaign's financial records is an incredibly suspicious situation that appears to be an attempt to hide his campaign's interaction with a left-wing organization previously convicted of voter fraud. For a candidate who claims to be practicing ‘new' politics, his FEC reports look an awful lot like the ‘old-style' Chicago politics of yesterday."

There's much more at the link.

Bottom line is that ACORN and Obama go back a long way. At least back to the early 1990's when Obama was a lawyer who represented ACORN in a case before the Illinois Supreme Court. Obama also trained ACORN leaders in community organizing techniques. And in his first run for the state senate, Obama's endorsement by the communist New Party brought with it about a dozen volunteers to work on his campaign - many of them ACORN activists.

Watch for this breaking story of Obama returning money used illegally by ACORN on your national news tonight...

Yeah, right.
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