Not the Kwame Kilpatrick I know' Obama might say

Well there is Pastor Jeremiah Wright, Jr-race-mongering , anti-American demagogue and fabulist; there is Father Pfleger-like Wright, an acolyte and supporter of Louis Farrakhan; there is Bill Ayers-former Weatherman terrorist  who still harbors regret that he did not set off more bombs in his heyday and was last seen gleefully stomping on an American flag; there is Samantha Power of Hillary-hate fame who has some odd ideas about how to bring about Middle East peace; there is his Muslim affairs outreach director recently resigned from the campaign over ties to people linked to terrorism; there is Jim Johnson-of Fannie Mae disgrace; tthere is....well you get the idea.

The man who promotes his superior judgment has one more problem-his admiration and promotion of Kwame Kilptarick-the disgraced mayor of Detroit-whose home is now a jail:

Mayor Kwame M. Kilpatrick was sent to the county jail on Thursday and will spend at least one night there as punishment for violating his bond.

Mr. Kilpatrick is fighting perjury and other felony charges, but has refused calls to resign. Judge Ronald Giles of the 36th District Court in Detroit ordered that the mayor be jailed because of a visit he made on July 23 to Windsor, Ontario, on the opposite shore of the Detroit River, for what he said was city business.

The mayor’s lawyers sought an immediate appeal, but the Circuit Court judge who will take up the matter put off a hearing until Friday morning.

Mr. Kilpatrick, 38, apologized at length to Judge Giles for violating the terms of his bond, which required court approval for any travel outside of Michigan, and he promised that he would not make such a mistake again.

He also noted that he had asked his young sons to watch the hearing so they could see their father admit wrongdoing. But the judge responded that he must treat the mayor as he would any other defendant and revoked Mr. Kilpatrick’s bond.

And what did Obama have to say about this fine, upstanding citizen who is charged with 8 felonies including perjury regarding - wait for it - sex! (Please note that no one goes to jail or gets charged with perjury for having an affair. I have it on the highest possible authority - liberals - that such activity gives one a pass when talking to the police or prosecutors):

[He] has been on the frontlines doing an outstanding job of gathering together the leadership at every level in Detroit to bring about the kind of renaissance that all of us anticipate for this great city.

And he is a leader not just here in Detroit, not just in Michigan, but all across the country.

People look to him.  We know that he is going to be doing astounding things for many years to come.

And so I'm grateful to call him a friend and a colleague.  And I'm looking forward to a lengthy collaboration in terms of making sure that Detroit does well in the future.

Man, that Obama can sure pick 'em, can't he?

Can't wait to see what his Cabinet choices will be.
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