Biden's bogus blue collar roots

Hats off to Steve Chapman of the Chicago Tribune for exposing blatant mainstream media propagandizing about Joe Biden's supposed blue collar roots. He points out shocking negligence or malfeasance by the MSM:

"Sen. Joseph R. Biden accepted the vice presidential nomination of the Democratic Party with a speech that harkened back to his working-class roots in Scranton," said The Washington Post. The Wall Street Journal informed readers that "Sen. Joe Biden showcased his working-class upbringing." The New York Times said he "spoke frequently, and earnestly, of his blue-collar background."

No, he didn't. In fact, he did just the opposite. Anyone paying attention would have noticed as much. But the legend of Joe Biden, born in a welding shop, dies hard with political reporters, who find it easier to romanticize a gritty, hardscrabble childhood than a conventionally comfortable one.

Chapman goes on to document the middle-class comfort in which Joseph Biden grew up as the son of a white collar father. Not the hardscrabble image that Democrats and their media supporters wish to convey.

No wonder the newspapers are dying so quickly. I hope that Steve Chapman thrives, but the "reporters" who don't even listen and simply insert propaganda themes in their coverage of a speech should find work in politics.

Hat tip:
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