August 5, 2008
An inconvenient mockumentary
A film reviewer in Variety worries that a new comic documentary intended to support global warming theory may end up inspiring doubt and further controversy:
One of the funniest details of Randy Olson's funny "Sizzle" is that a film designed to convince that global warming is a present danger may do precisely the opposite. Ingeniously blending elements of mockumentary and science film around a spoof of indie documaking, Olson finds he has a much tougher object to tackle this time than he did in his amusing pro-evolution film, "Flock of Dodos." Though a non-skeptic himself, Olson grants solid global-warming skeptics screen time, ironically turning the hot issue into a real debate. Micro-distribs take note; vid biz will draw greenies and naysayers alike.
Will greenies try to discourage people from seeing the film, claiming the case is closed? That line is getting tired, and people might be encouraged to see it if warmists complain.