Obama's Berlin Subtext

Obama gave his long awaited speech in Berlin today. It was much ado about nothing. With classic Obama arrogance, he appropriated Ronald Reagan's rhetoric seeming to think that he was being original. The walls that must come down, according to Obama, are racial and religious walls. The theological differences between Judaism (it must always come first), Christianity, and Islam, must become nothing.

Thus says Obama.

Had Obama made that speech in Gaza, Jordan, or Saudi Arabia, then his speech would have been courageous and there would have been some merit to it. For, the Islamic countries of the mid-East are hotbeds of racial and religious intolerance, hellholes in which torture is par for the course, in which Jews are as cattle for slaughter and blacks are "abd." To the Islamic hellholes in the mid-East, Obama uttered mere platitudes. No condemnation, no exhortation to permit freedom of worship, no demand for civil rights for blacks. He issued no call for Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran to stop funding terrorism and religious intolerance around the world, no words of support for the oppressed women—burqa-clad and subject to honor killings, no requirement for Muslim men to exercise self- control and stop blaming women for being raped.

Instead, Obama went on the international stage and accused the United States of torture, of racial discrimination against non-European type immigrants, of religious discrimination. There was no acknowledgment that the U.S. has a right to self-defense and to extract information from terrorists to protect its citizens. There was no concern that U.S. law should be upheld and not infringed by illegals—whatever their color—who boldly violate our immigration policy. There was a slight indication that the U.S. was no longer in its slavery and Jim
(Democrat) Crow era, but not much.

Obama tossed the entire United States under the bus and played the race card before an America-hating international audience. Thus, we Americans have discovered, irrefutably, that Obama has a Eurocentric view of the U.S. and its people, and he will not defend her staunchly against condemnation by outsiders. In fact, he will join them in hurling the first stone.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, Barack Obama demonstrated on the global stage that he is not fit to become the president of these United States.

Helen Cadogan is the proprietor of  iEdit.
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