Obama to seek "victory" in Iraq

Barack Obama has now gone where no Democrat has gone before.

In an interview for ABC's Nightline last night, Obama had this exchange:

When asked if he is committed to winning the war in Iraq, Obama said, "I don't think we have any choice. We have to win the broader war against terror that threatens America and its interests. I think that Iraq is one front on that war, but I think the central front is in Afghanistan and in the border regions of Pakistan."

This from a man who called the war a "failure" and told the world that the surge wouldn't reduce the violence in Iraq.

This from a man who never once mentioned the word "victory" - except to denigrate the concept - during his entire primary campaign for president. In fact, no Democrat except for Joe Lieberman has uttered the word "victory" relating to Iraq and have instead followed the lead of their party leaders Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi in declaring the war "lost."

This from the leader of a party whose base does not believe there is such a thing as a "war on terror" and, in fact, have charged the Bush Administration with inventing the war in order to seize dictatorial powers.

This from the leader of a party that ran on a platform in 2006 that belittled the idea that Iraq was a "front in the war on terror" and, in fact, claimed that Iraq was a "distraction" from the larger war and had nothing to do with defeating terrorism.

I wonder if anyone will notice?

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