Jindal reverses self on legislators' pay raise

Bobby Jindal finally did the right thing.  He admitted he made a mistake -- a tough admission for any politician to make -- and opposed the state legislature pay raise bill yesterday. He had previously said he would sign it.  He won't veto it, but will let it become law without his signature. Here is his announcement and below is a video of his speech. 

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Jindal listened to his constituents, who elected him as a reformer, and reversed himself. He had thought compromise was the only way to get reform accomplished, but miscalculated the ramifications of being seen as playing footsie with the powers that be. A life lesson.

It seems to me that his announcement is sincere and convincing. I tend to trust people who admit their mistakes this forthrightly. He has impressed me once again. I don't expect he makes many mistakes twice.

Hat tip: Elizabeth Weber Levy
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