Dems won't help reform military voting

Democrats: Party of the common man, right?

Democrats: The party who support extended voting rights to all people of America - even illegal immigrants (on the local level of voting).

Democrats: The party who promote the granting of voting rights to felons.

Democrats: The party who advocate making voting easier for people through the expanded use of absentee ballots.

Democrats: The party who want to help groups such as ACORN-a group that has a long history with Barack Obama-to expand the vote-despite numerous instances of voter fraud and assist with ACORN activities.

Democrats: The party who want to abolish voted identification laws which ensure the integrity of the voting process.

Democrats: The party who want universal voting and are busy registering voters across the land-including using Spanish-speaking media to enlarge the roster of Spanish-speaking, and presumably Democratic, voters.

Democrats: The party who are busy organizing overseas-to increase absentee voting among expatriates.

Well, what one group does the Democratic-controlled Congress seem to be actively working to deny the right to vote? Which group would they deny equal opportunity to?
Our soldiers-defenders of our democracy; a democracy whose foundation is the right of people to exercise the vote.
Columnist Robert Novak in his column today "They Fight but Can't Vote notes that Rep. Roy Blunt, the House Republican whip, introduced a resolution earlier this month demanding the Defense Department better enable our military personnel station overseas to vote in the November elections. Novak reports:
That act was followed by silence. Democrats normally leap at any opportunity to find fault with the Bush Pentagon. But not a single Democrat joined Blunt as a co-sponsor of the resolution, and an all-Republican proposal cannot pass in the Democratic-controlled House.
Novak notes the sorrowful history of overseas and absentee military voting: a history marked by low voting rates (5.5% in 2006). As the party's own standard bearer-Harry Truman said of the troops fighting in Korea:
"The least we at home can do is to make sure that they are able to enjoy the rights they are being asked to fight to preserve."
Republican Congressmen seem to be alert to the problem - including not just Blunt, but Senator John Cornyn who criticized the Pentagon for a "lack of will" to cure the problem. A lack of will that seems to afflict many Democrats (not all -Steny Hoyer, who works well with those across the aisle, has been trying to address the issue without help, apparently, from his fellow Democrats).

Democrats in Congress seem to busy trying to embarrass and humiliate the lame-duck Administration of George Bush rather than defending the right of our soldiers to particpate in our democracy.
Why the Democratic obstructionism? Perhaps, maybe, possibly it has something to do with the belief-backed up by studies-that military personnel tend to vote Republican by large percentages.
Democrats only advocate and promote the expansion of voting  when it helps their party, not our soldiers and not America.
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