Murtha's opponent

Pork king Rep John Murtha (D-PA), who pre-judged the Haditha defendants as guilty, will face a highly decorated veteran next November. Lt. Col. Bill Russell, following reinstatement of his name to the ballot, after overcoming challenges to his petition signatures.  Blackfive describes Lt. Col Russell:

He's an Army vet, 9/11 survivor, and small business owner who is challenging smear merchant/corruptocrat Rep. John Murtha. I saw Russell at the fantastic Pennsylvania Leadership Conference last month (where the photo above was snapped). He is a staunch conservative, a true American patriot, and he deserves your support. If there were ever a time for the grass-roots to come together and help an underdog Republican candidate make a difference, this is it.

Will the voters of Johnstown, PA and surrounding areas be able to hold their noses and return the pork king to Congress? Or will they have enough sense to dump him in favor of a military man of integrity?

Hat tip: Alan Fraser
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