More Father Pfleger

This Pfleger guy is almost as entertaining as Jeremiah Wright except he doesn't spout those idiotic conspiracy theories about the US government inventing AIDS to kill black people.

That's allright because Pfleger
goes Wright one better in the "I am an anti-American nutcase" department:

"Racism is still America's greatest addiction," Pfleger says. "I also believe that America is the greatest sin against God."

There seems to be a mixed reaction to that from the pews. But Pfleger explains:

"If the greatest command is to love, than the sin against love must be the greatest sin against God who IS love and who calls us to love one another. So that this greatest sin against God, racism, it's as natural as the air we breath."

Obama, of course, resigned from Trinity on Friday, saying he didn't want to be held accountable for every word spoken from the pulpit at the church, and he didn't want the church to continue to have the media disrupting its worship. The last straw may have been Pfleger's mocking of Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, from the pulpit in this same sermon.

But Obama's relationship with Pfleger -- who is the priest at a different, Catholic, church -- spans decades.

Indeed it does. Obama and Pfleger have worked the community organizing side of the street going all the way back to 1988. And as a state senator, Obama directed at least $250,000 in state money to projects headed up by Father Potatohead.

In return, the good Reverend - who thinks Louis Farrakhan is one of the greatest men of the 20th century - gave Obama some modest campaign contributions but much more importantly, endorsed his candidacy to his very large flock of African Americans on the south side of Chicago.

Just another radical that Obama has had to deal with. This is getting boring. It begs the question is there anyone in Obama's past who isn't a bigoted, America hating, anti-capitalist fruitcake?
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