Eeyore for Secretary of Defense!

Jennifer Rubin has a jaw dropping quote from Obama's national security advisor Richard Danzig on why Obama's foreign policy sounds so infantile ("we should all sit down and chat and respect one another").

Ed Lasky on Danzig :

The Ur-text of diplomacy. Sun Tzu? Von Clausewitz? Metternich? Woodrow Wilson? Kissinger?

 No--A.A. Milne.

That's right. Danzig thinks that Winnie the Pooh is an ideal model for national security:

"Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security. He spelt out how American troops, spies and anti-terrorist officials could learn key lessons by understanding the desire of terrorists to emulate superheroes like Luke Skywalker, and the lust for violence of violent football fans. . . ."

Mr Danzig spelt out the need to change by reading a paragraph from chapter one of the children's classic, which says: "Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump on the back of his head behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming down stairs. But sometimes he thinks there really is another way if only he could stop bumping a minute and think about it."

This is not a spoof, says Rubin although I can't decide whether it is scary, stupid, or just typical liberal idiocy.

I nominate Christopher Robin as Secretary of State.
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