Another day, another radical supporter of Obama

Next time Obama takes to the stump, let's watch and see if he's wearing anything pink.

If so, it shouldn't surprise us. That's because one of Obama's "bundlers" - supporters who raise cash by the bushelful for the candidate - just happens to be the co-founder of the ultra radical group Code Pink.

Jodie Davis served as a human shield for Saddam prior to the war and has even been an apologist for Osama Bin Laden according to Ed Morrissey.
Here's Ed describing her appearance on a radio show:

Ibbetson tries to explain that we hadn't done anything to provoke the 9/11 attacks by saying we hadn't invaded Afghanistan. Davis replies that we were in Saudi Arabia, which to her gave al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden a rational reason to kill thousands of Americans in terrorist attacks. Note that she says, "I don't think any terrorist attack is justified," and then says we should listen to Osama bin Laden and change our policies because - "Sometimes, it would be a good idea to listen to why someone is trying to blow you up".

Q: Do you think that's a valid argument?

A: Sure. Why do we have bases in the Middle East?

Does Barack Obama share these views with his new bundler and the founder of Code Pink? Does he also feel that we should heed Osama bin Laden's speeches and adjust our policies in the Middle East accordingly? If Davis represents the kind of people Obama wants to attract to his campaign, that says quite a bit about his approach to terrorism and the defense of American interests in the Middle East.

I would say to my good friend Ed that the answer is we don't know. Since the candidate himself is nearly incoherent on his Middle East policy and policy toward Israel, it is impossible to say where he stands.

Not so Ms. Davis. She has made abundantly clear that she stands with America's enemies - a curious death wish many on the left seem to have, don't you think?

I predict Obama will wear a pink tie sometime soon to show his solidarity with Code Pink...

Hat Tip: Ed Lasky
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