Now to the Issues:Obama on Education

At Michelle Obama's suggestion, Tom Maguire leaves the Wright story and moves on to Obama's track record on education: It is a pathetic tale, involving Marxists and interest groups whose interests are antithetical to improving public education, grant money squandered and abject failure.
In some ways, Obama's experience is analogous to Hillary's failed health care initiative of the mid 90's -- he tackled a publicized, important, politically charged topic, and belly-flopped.  The obvious difference is that his failure is not being discussed.  And it's possible he was merely a figurehead who was hoping to take credit for success but distanced himself from failure; I leave it to his spinners to present that lack of interest in education reform more positively.

As to where this story is headed - who knows?  I don't think Hillary's staffers are regular readers here, but they may have picked it up from Global LaborLarry Johnson or Jeralyn Merritt, and they sure could use this now.  McCain's people and the RNC ought to like this story since McCain is comfortable bashing Ayers, but September or October may be fine for them.

The MSM has done nothing here, unsurprisingly.  As to Rush, Hannity, and the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy -- other than Hot Air, American Thinker, and Wizbang this is getting no traction.  Michael Barone wrote about how the Ayers story had broken through to the MSM, but they have a long way to go.  And we call ourselves a Noise Machine!

As usual, the prolific and talented Maguire has a well-documented claim.

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