Abbas 'revokes' terrorist award

Reclaiming his title as moderate,

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas confirmed that plans to present two female Palestinian terrorists with a medal of honor have been withdrawn. (snip)

The Al Kuds Mark of Honor, the PLO's highest medal, was meant be given in a ceremony Thursday to two female terrorists who helped kill Israelis.

And what  exactly did these two evil young ladies do to be considered for such a low honor?

The Palestinian Authority leadership, headed by Fatah chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), has granted a special award - the "Sign of Heroism" - to two female terrorists imprisoned in Israel.  One of them was involved in one of the most infamous terrorist attacks in Israeli history: the Sbarro's pizzeria suicide bombing.

On August 9, 2001, an Arab terrorist walked into the busy pizzeria at the busiest intersection in Jerusalem, and detonated his charge, murdering 15 Jews.  Among them were eight victims between the ages of 18 months and 19 years, as well as five members of one family, the Schijveschuurders of Neriah in the Binyamin region. (snip)

Abbas also granted an award to a woman who actively enticed an Israeli teenager over the internet. When she and the boy made up to meet, the boy was kidnapped at the rendezvous site near Ramallah and murdered by Arab terrorists.

How reassuring to learn that Abbas has rejoined the moderate ranks.  Or maybe not.
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