What kind of change have the Dems brought?

Change! That is what the Democrats promised when they took over Congress in 2006.

Sure enough they were right and that is what we got. Were they the cause or the effect of getting elected?

Here are some of the outcomes of them being in control.


  • Gasoline up from $2.19 to $3.35 or 53%
  • Unemployment up from 4.5% to 5% or 11.1%
  • National dept per ca pita was $27,677 then and now $31,551 or 14% higher.
  • Congressional pay increase.


  • Consumer confidence at multiple year lows.
  • Equity value of mutual funds down $2.3 trillion.
  • Home equity values down $1.2 trillion
  • Congress's approval rating at all time low.

America voted for change and that is all that is left in our pocketbooks. Now they are selling the same ole snake-oil of "Change" in the Presidential election. $792,000,000 of the dollars that are left in America's pocket have been put into campaign donations so far.

Makes you wonder what these donors are expecting this time around.
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