So What Happened to, For the Children?

There has been much back and forth in the media in the days since Obama gave his speech, but I had to wait for the opinion that matters to me:

Charles Krauthammer's physical impairment's lend him a rather rigid physical posture in his frequent television appearances, but that rigidity of form belies a formidable but nimble intellect that always seems to have a couple of quick steps on the liberal opposition and even his fellow conservative pundits.

Not only does Krauthammer call The Speech a fraud, he culminates his deconstruction with what I consider the most crucial, unanswered question arising out of this entire affair, the issue of Obama's daughters:

"Then answer this, senator: If Wright is a man of the past, why would you expose your children to his vitriolic divisiveness?"

"Why did you give $22,500 just two years ago to a church run by a man of the past who infects the younger generation with precisely the racial attitudes and animus you say you have come unto us to transcend?"

That Obama has failed to address this specific aspect of his spiritual debacle is telling. He has no answer for the simple reason there is no answer that will satisfy any American who is looking for an answer that does not require a suspension of common sense. There is no believable way anyone can serially expose their own young children to this kind of racial hatred and then convince thinking Americans that he is the man we should elect to help us transcend such racism. Even my liberal acquaintances wince when I pose the question to them. Consider the possible consequences if that question is still unanswered in the minds of American voters on election day.

How ironic that the leading liberal light of the party that loves to push the rest of us into a corner of guilt by intoning piously, "For the children..." has in fact been painted into his own inescapable corner by involving his innocent daughters in his carefully planned religious positioning within his core constituency
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