Malkin on the left's 'escalating war against recruitment centers'

Michelle Malkin has a terrific "Special Report" up on her blog today about the increasing number of attacks on military recruitment centers across the country.

A sample:

Ideas have consequences. Inaction has consequences. For the past several years, I’ve chronicled the Left’s escalating war on military recruiters–and the apathetic, weak-kneed response to it. In Unhinged, I devoted a sub-section of my chapter “They Don’t Support Our Troops” to the organized campaign of harassment against recruitment offices on college campuses nationwide. The anti-recruiter thugs have thrived thanks to a combination of public indifference, law enforcement fecklessness, and left-wing ideological apologism. As you may recall, I have personal experience with the anti-recruiter propagandists, who lie through their teeth, exploit media sympathy, and harbor nothing but raw hatred for the men and women who protect and defend their rights to bitch and moan.

Many observers wanted to shut out any possibility that yesterday’s bombing at the Times Square recruitment center was ideologically motivated.

But will any on the left and in the Democrat Party raise their voices–loudly and clearly–to condemn the ongoing,
militant anti-recruiter campaign?

Will they urge the Code Pinkos and their ilk to halt their
intimidation and obstruction efforts?

Or will they continue to sit silently and attempt to downplay yesterday’s bombing as an isolated incident– instead of the all-too-predictable symptom of reckless tolerance for dangerous “peace”-peddlers skating on the edge of sedition?
The attack in New York City yesterday is far from being an isolated incident. And given the chilling fact that New York Congressmen received a letter prior to the bombing ranting against the war would seem to indicate some kind of organized plot. Read all of Michelle's informative post to get an idea of just how widespread these attacks on our military recruiting stations are.
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