Chavez Hopes for a Democrat Win in November

This is not really news but its fun to tweak the Democrats with it:

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a socialist and fierce U.S. critic, warned on Tuesday that relations with Washington could worsen if Republican candidate John McCain wins this year's presidential election.

Chavez said he hopes the United States and Venezuela can work better together when his ideological foe, U.S. President George W. Bush, leaves the White House next year, but he said McCain seemed "warlike."

"Sometimes one says, 'worse than Bush is impossible,' but we don't know," Chavez told foreign correspondents. "McCain also seems to be a man of war." 
Chavez -- who has called Bush "the devil", "a donkey" and 'Mr Danger" -- accuses the United States of having imperial designs in Latin America and says the White House has plotted his overthrow.
It's hard to imagine how much worse our relations could get with Chavez so his "warning" is stupid.

Of course, Chavez doesn't come right out and say that he would support the Democratic nominee. He never even mentioned Obama or Hillary by name. He did, however, point out he had good relations with American during the Clinton years. And since he felt it necessary to "warn" us about McCain, you can draw your own conclusions about who he would like to see in the White House next November.
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