AP's Fournier warns Obama on 'arrogance'


Now that the Obama balloon is leaking, as Mr. Sunshine and Hope faces awkward questions about the pastor to whom he has offered devotion for two decades, major media figures are beginning to notice that he isn't perfect. Ron Fournier, the famous AP political writer, notes that the candidate has an arrogant side:

Arrogance is a common vice in presidential politics. A person must be more than a little self-important to wake up one day and say, "I belong in the Oval Office."

But there's a line smart politicians don't cross - somewhere between "I'm qualified to be president" and "I'm born to be president." Wherever it lies, Barack Obama better watch his step.

He's bordering on arrogance.

The dictionary defines the word as an "offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride." Obama may not be offensive or overbearing, but he can be a bit too cocky for his own good.

The freshman senator told reporters in July that he would overcome Hillary Rodham Clinton's lead in the polls because "to know me is to love me."

A few months later, he said, "Every place is Barack Obama country once Barack Obama's been there."

There's more to the article, and now that the dam has broken, there may be more stories surfacing.

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