Fried cockroaches for dinner again?

Hats off (for the umpteenth time) to Noel Sheppard at Newsbusters for uncovering  outright hysteria over global warming: it is going to require us to learn to eat bugs, or so goes the latest hysterical claim.

HuffPoster Kerry Trueman on Tuesday suggested that food shortages will be so rampant if we don't stop climate change that we'll all end up eating bugs.

I kid you not.

For those looking for a cut to the chase, this was the money shot (emphasis added throughout, h/t NBer lunaticcringeradio):

If the thought of eating bugs and roadkill freaks you out, consider this: competition for the world's dwindling resources is heating up right along with the planet, and global warming is worsening food shortages all over the world. In this land o' plenty o' processed foods, most Americans can't imagine an era when we'd be forced to subsist on weeds, bugs, and -- till we run out of gas -- roadkill.

Never mind that food crops like corn are being diverted to ethanol production in the name of diminishing ostensibly man-made global warming. Never mind that warmer weather tends to produce higher yields. Greenland once was green, after all, when the climate was warmer.

Hysteria is too kind a word for this idiocy.

It's the sun, stupid.
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