McCain-Powell? (updated)

My guess is if McCain wins the nomination it's going to be a McCain-Powell ticket, if Hillary is the nominee.

From a conservative's perspective it would be painful. But, from a raw-politics perspective it would be brilliant. 

It would, first off, give some liberals an emotional escape for voting against a woman. Columns in the Nation, Vanity Fair, the LA Times, show an increasing revulsion for the Clintons among liberals. Liberals could console themselves-reassure themselves that they are truly good people-by voting for a Black Vice President.

Second, having a former Secretary of State, National Security Advisor, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as Vice President, would contrast powerfully with Hillary's total lack of any foreign policy experience. Who is she going to counter that with? Warren Christopher? Sandy Berger? Madeleine Albright?

Third, with some smoldering resentment in the Black community towards Hillary (not for beating Obama, but rather for how the Clintons beat him), there would be a chance for the Republican ticket to pick off an additional ten percent of the Black vote. Subtract those votes from the Democratic totals and add them to the Republican totals.

More than enough in some Blue states to turn them Red.

Update: Rick Moran writes:


That's the first I've heard of the idea and probably for good reason - Aint. Gonna. Happen.
I doubt if Powell wants it. It would never fly at the convention given Powell's harsh criticisms of Bush. And Powell is seen as the architect of the war by Democrats - a sure thing he won't pick up many Dems regardless of color.
And Powell has always been seen by the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons as a race traitor.
An interesting fantasy but almost certainly a non starter.
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