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December 20, 2007
Edwards' Love Child Story Recalls Another Campaign Scandal
The more things change, the more they remain the same. Or as Yogi Berra so eloquently noted, deja vu all over again.
Let's return to the presidential race over 120 years ago when the Democratic candidate was rumored to have fathered a child.
Grover Cleveland, a Democrat and a bachelor, gallantly assumed responsibility for the child borne to a widow "involved with a number of men," including, presumably, Cleveland. Taunting Cleveland's immorality as symbolic of the times, (sound familiar? the Republican campaign slogan, "Ma, ma, where's my pa?" reminded voters of his indiscretion.
After the child was born, the mother took to the bottle and was committed to an insane asylum The child went to an orphanage where he was supported by Cleveland.
Cleveland won the election despite this scandal, prompting the triumphant comback ditty
"Ma, ma, Where's my pa?
Gone to the White House, ha, ha, ha!"
And for another happy ending--the child grew up to be a.... no, not a politician but a medical doctor.
This latest political love child rumor, 16 year old Jamie Spears' baby and numerous other children born to unmarried parents should be so lucky. Somehow, sadly, I don't think so.