American Thinker Blog
December 31, 2007
So much for life in prisonDecember 31, 2007
Third World payback for support of the Arab causeDecember 31, 2007
Special Forces on Alert for Pak Nuke CrisisDecember 31, 2007
Palestinian alchemy: Sugar becomes potassium nitrateDecember 31, 2007
Equal justice for a Marine? (updated)December 31, 2007
Chelsea dodges questions from 9 year old Scholastic reporterDecember 31, 2007
Candidates Trade Barbs in IowaDecember 31, 2007
New Video, New Questions in Bhutto AssassinationDecember 31, 2007
The Profession of DeathDecember 30, 2007
ImagineDecember 30, 2007
Hollywood's new favorite dictatorDecember 30, 2007
Pakistani People's Party keeps it in the FamilyDecember 30, 2007
New Osama Tape: Empty BlatherDecember 30, 2007
Iowa Polls all over the MapDecember 30, 2007
Ray Robison radio appearanceDecember 29, 2007
Hillary frags PakistanDecember 29, 2007
Pakistan's Samarra?December 29, 2007
A Victim No More (a poem)December 29, 2007
Gore's Green FiascoDecember 29, 2007
Democrat Anti-war Antics Shake Morale at the FrontDecember 29, 2007
Iraq Claims "75% of al-Qaeda destroyed"December 29, 2007
Bush, Cheney Unwanted in Brattelboro, VTDecember 29, 2007
Obama's grandma lives in a 'tiny hut'?December 29, 2007
New Video Shows Bhutto was ShotDecember 29, 2007
Grading the Candidates on PakistanDecember 28, 2007
Is Allah the same as God of the Bible?December 28, 2007
Hillary's imaginary victimhoodDecember 28, 2007
Pakistan in Chaos as Bhutto InterredDecember 28, 2007
New Strategic Vision Poll in IowaDecember 28, 2007
Politics knows no respect for the deadDecember 28, 2007
Bhutto Assassination a Painful Reminder that we are at WarDecember 28, 2007
A Gripping Eyewitness Account to HistoryDecember 28, 2007
The lesson of Bhutto: A time for adultsDecember 27, 2007
Kyle-Anne Shiver radio appearanceDecember 27, 2007
Obama's Right Hand Man Clarke is a Treacherous FoolDecember 27, 2007
Gray Lady Busts Former First Lady's MantraDecember 27, 2007
Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda?December 27, 2007
Sham independence of freshmen House DemsDecember 27, 2007
Bhutto Assassination Rocks '08 RaceDecember 27, 2007
The Enemy of My EnemyDecember 27, 2007
Who Killed Bhutto? (updated)December 27, 2007
Bhutto AssassinatedDecember 27, 2007
Thomas Lifson radio appearanceDecember 26, 2007
Iraqi Cabinet passes "General Pardon" MeasureDecember 26, 2007
"The Big Dig" is DoneDecember 26, 2007
Conservative Backlash Against Romney in New HampshireDecember 26, 2007
Russia Wants Iran to Give up Uranium EnrichmentDecember 26, 2007
Drugs Driving Violence in AfghanistanDecember 26, 2007
Syria Bullies SpainDecember 25, 2007
Richard Baehr, Thomas Lifson joint radio appearanceDecember 25, 2007
To The United States Armed Forces, Thanks (a poem)December 24, 2007
Pakistani Military Milking the US TaxpayerDecember 24, 2007
The Clintons being the ClintonsDecember 24, 2007
Fatah shows its true intentionsDecember 24, 2007
The Smallest Things Come in the Largest PackagesDecember 24, 2007
Chris Matthews' Alternate UniverseDecember 23, 2007
Stem cell bucks for HuckDecember 23, 2007
Huckaboost my baby with a media melodyDecember 23, 2007
Ron Paul Flip Flops on Independent Run for President?December 23, 2007
What we all Know about Press Coverage in Iraq: ConfirmedDecember 23, 2007
Will the New Year Bring Unity to the GOP?December 23, 2007
Thompson's 'Christmas Message to the Troops' a HitDecember 22, 2007
Iran's threat to BahrainDecember 22, 2007
Mark Steyn needs your helpDecember 22, 2007
The Communist ConundrumDecember 22, 2007
When racial profiling doesn't matter in media eyesDecember 22, 2007
Giuliani's Woes ContinueDecember 22, 2007
Bush is the devil and the devil made me do itDecember 22, 2007
Nevada Now an Obama-Clinton BattlegroundDecember 22, 2007
The Guardian's Nauseating Anti-AmericanismDecember 21, 2007
Hillary puff pieces on ETDecember 21, 2007
12 Days of Christmas, Iraqi styleDecember 21, 2007
Lakotas leaving?December 21, 2007
A Harried Screed from Harry ReidDecember 21, 2007
McCain Tries to Squelch Negative Times StoryDecember 21, 2007
BDS alert: Atlantic bloggers in 'Cheney's America'December 21, 2007
50 Killed in Pakistan BombingDecember 21, 2007
Belgium Police Arrest 14 in Terrorist PlotDecember 21, 2007
Bahrain in Iran's SightsDecember 21, 2007
UN Moving to Derail Fraud InvestigationsDecember 21, 2007
There's Torture - And then there's 'Torture'December 21, 2007
How Effective is the Kyoto Protocol?December 20, 2007
Increase in American fertility rate (updated)December 20, 2007
Senate Report: No consensus on global warmingDecember 20, 2007
Murtha may be put under oath about Haditha commentsDecember 20, 2007
Romney scores two good onesDecember 20, 2007
Free-range fuel? (updated)December 20, 2007
AL-Qaeda Spiritual Leader RecantsDecember 20, 2007
Is Muqtada al-Sadr Giving Up?December 20, 2007
Tom Tancredo to Drop out of RaceDecember 20, 2007
Obama's Free Media PassDecember 20, 2007
Edwards' Love Child Story Recalls Another Campaign ScandalDecember 20, 2007
Neo-Nazi complains about Ron Paul's denial of ties to white supremacists (updated)December 20, 2007
Hillary's Re-Gifting For ChristmasDecember 20, 2007
Has Anyone Checked the Temperature in Hell Lately?December 19, 2007
Preparing for defense cuts if the Dems win the White HouseDecember 19, 2007
Hillary and her Omnipresent Sunday School TeacherDecember 19, 2007
Major League Baseball At The BarDecember 19, 2007
Is the GOP Heading for a Brokered Convention?December 19, 2007
A modest proposalDecember 19, 2007
Argentine Bombings Ordered by Iran: ProsecutorDecember 19, 2007
More Surrendering from the Surrender PartyDecember 19, 2007
Hillary shades the truthDecember 19, 2007
Senate approves $70 billion for Iraq-AfghanistanDecember 19, 2007
Edwards 'Love Child' Story a Christmas Present from Hillary?December 19, 2007
Your Global Warming Derangement News For Today (updated)December 18, 2007
The Cuban people will be the last to knowDecember 18, 2007
Is sly ole' Huckster Clintonizing the GOP?December 18, 2007
The Tortuous Discussion of Water BoardingDecember 18, 2007
Thompson Starts Do or Die Bus Tour: McCain SurgingDecember 18, 2007
UN issues warning, but averts eyes from its own roleDecember 18, 2007
Russia delivers Nuclear Fuel to IranDecember 18, 2007
Dodd Threatens Filibuster on FISA Bill: Reid CavesDecember 18, 2007
Fidel Hints at 'Retirement'December 18, 2007
Twisted equality in socialized medicineDecember 18, 2007
Dershowitz on CarterDecember 17, 2007
Details of charges against AP photogDecember 17, 2007
World Bank:China's Economy Much Smaller than EstimatedDecember 17, 2007
Is Paul Krugman bucking for a Cabinet position in a Clinton Administration?December 17, 2007
Lieberman to endorse McCainDecember 17, 2007
Food Nannies Ban Holiday Cupcakes at SchoolDecember 17, 2007
Obama Would Hold Muslim-American SummitDecember 17, 2007
Another Successful 'Money Bomb' for Ron PaulDecember 17, 2007
Rocketing IsraelDecember 17, 2007
NY Times profiles Michael Savage: Fair and Balanced!December 17, 2007
Moyers and Olbermann Savage Michael Savage on PBSDecember 16, 2007
Why Did the Wheels Come off Hillary's Campaign?December 16, 2007
Vegetarian pets?December 16, 2007
Hamas: We'll Never Recognize IsraelDecember 16, 2007
22 UN climate models flunkDecember 16, 2007
Bolivia in Crisis as Many Resist SocialismDecember 16, 2007
Des Moines Register endorses McCain, HillaryDecember 15, 2007
Hillary/AlinskyDecember 15, 2007
Probing Clinton Library Funding SourcesDecember 15, 2007
Author of NIE believes CIA's Priority should be 'Diversity'December 15, 2007
GOP Race Getting WilderDecember 15, 2007
Mukasey rejects Congressional Demands on CIA RecordingsDecember 14, 2007
The Anarchist Cookbook of the nursery? (updated)December 14, 2007
Now and Then with E. J. DionneDecember 14, 2007
So diversity cures all ills?December 14, 2007
Wolfowitz World Bank epitaphDecember 14, 2007
Bill Clinton 'Our Last Elected President'?December 14, 2007
Gucci SocialistsDecember 14, 2007
Time to End Congressional Oversight of Intell?December 14, 2007
No Joy in Mudville *December 14, 2007
Dramatic Decline in Car Bombs in IraqDecember 14, 2007
Bali Finale Papers Pit Vision Against PrecisionDecember 14, 2007
Muqtada al-Sadr Seeking to become an AyatollahDecember 14, 2007
A real Whopper from the New York TimesDecember 13, 2007
Another reason to ignore the NYT: Fidell who?December 13, 2007
Russia Will Finish BushehrDecember 13, 2007
Bush Bests Dems Again in Budget BattleDecember 13, 2007
Saluting the National Guard on its 371st birthdayDecember 13, 2007
Subpoenas for Sharpeton AidesDecember 13, 2007
Fred Explains his "Rebellion"December 13, 2007
Is Hillary Getting Desperate? (updated)December 13, 2007
GOP Debate an Exercise in SomnolenceDecember 13, 2007
The new European Union - the Empire Returns?December 13, 2007
Hating Mormons for ChristmasDecember 13, 2007
What if Aqsa Parvez was strangled with her own hijab?December 12, 2007
Brown is beautifulDecember 12, 2007
Brazil's offshore oil bonanza may be even biggerDecember 12, 2007
The Legacy of Edward SaidDecember 12, 2007
Clinton, Obama Tied in New HampshireDecember 12, 2007
The new aristocrats?December 12, 2007
Huckabee calls foul on Romney: Then insults MormonsDecember 12, 2007
Big Wins for GOP in House ElectionDecember 12, 2007
Pope Benedict Calls Out Warming FanaticsDecember 12, 2007
Celebrating diversity (continued)December 12, 2007
Romney Snares National Review EndorsementDecember 12, 2007
Van Vann Diepen, NIE Author, and his Treachery at StateDecember 12, 2007
Richard Baehr radio appearanceDecember 11, 2007
Heisman Trophy notesDecember 11, 2007
Ray Robison's new bookDecember 11, 2007
Richard Baehr on the Rick Moran ShowDecember 11, 2007
Robot Liberation FrontDecember 11, 2007
The Southern Hemisphere ignores Al GoreDecember 11, 2007
Algiers Bombs kill 62December 11, 2007
Suicide Attack Targets Pak Nuke FacilityDecember 11, 2007
Major Victory in AfghanistanDecember 11, 2007
CIA Lawyers Approved Destruction of Interrogation TapesDecember 11, 2007
Huckabee "really not that aware" of US-Cuba IssuesDecember 11, 2007
Shocking Pro-Iranian Op-Ed in the TimesDecember 11, 2007
Kyoto SchmyotoDecember 10, 2007
Islamophobia Legislation: Who'll protect us from the protected?December 10, 2007
Chavez and his plans to overturn the electionDecember 10, 2007
Libby drops appealDecember 10, 2007
The Libel Tourist DocumentaryDecember 10, 2007
Silver lining in the NIE flap?December 10, 2007
Pakistan Opposition Parties Agree not to Boycott ElectionsDecember 10, 2007
The war on energy securityDecember 10, 2007
Did Iran "Hoodwink" the CIA over its Nuke Program?December 10, 2007
Iranian Students Protest AhmadinejadDecember 10, 2007
Misanthropic Global Warming TheoryDecember 10, 2007
The friends of George SorosDecember 10, 2007
GOP Univision Debate A YawnerDecember 10, 2007
Colorado Church Shootings may be linkedDecember 10, 2007
Huge Crowd for Oprah-Obama in South CarolinaDecember 9, 2007
US Episcopal Church loses its first dioceseDecember 9, 2007
105 die in China mine explosionDecember 9, 2007
Shuttle diplomacyDecember 9, 2007
Al Gore: Doing good or just doing well?December 9, 2007
What passes for "Economic Reporting" at the TimesDecember 9, 2007
CIA Recruited Iranian DefectorsDecember 9, 2007
Bali Climate Conference Ignores DissentersDecember 9, 2007
Mob rule: Homosexual youth executed in IranDecember 9, 2007
Anti-War General Flip Flops on the SurgeDecember 8, 2007
Holiday cheerDecember 8, 2007
Professor Matory and Larry SummersDecember 8, 2007
SecDef: Iran still a threatDecember 8, 2007
Snapshot of conditions in IraqDecember 8, 2007
Despite NIE, France and Germany want to pressure IranDecember 8, 2007
War Films that are doing wellDecember 8, 2007
New Newsweek Poll a Head ScratcherDecember 8, 2007
Not with a bang, but a whimperDecember 7, 2007
A Merry Media ChristmasDecember 7, 2007
It isn't about Iran?December 7, 2007
What if the NIE is a Bush gambit?December 7, 2007
Romney's Speech on Faith a TriumphDecember 7, 2007
CIA Destroys Two Interrogation TapesDecember 7, 2007
NIE Congressional Investigation demandedDecember 7, 2007
Huckaboom ContinuesDecember 7, 2007
Have a Little Pork With your BreakfastDecember 7, 2007
Remember the day that still lives "in Infamy" (updated)December 7, 2007
George Washington on Religious BigotryDecember 6, 2007
Prouty update (updated)December 6, 2007
It isn't just the mortgage marketDecember 6, 2007
The NIE could increase the danger of nuclear warDecember 6, 2007
Romney Cites 'Common Creed' in Major AddressDecember 6, 2007
Surprising Poll Results from AfghanistanDecember 6, 2007
Dems Squirming on Iraq Funding VoteDecember 6, 2007
Obama rally to be held at massive venueDecember 6, 2007
No Journo Wants a Million Dollars?December 6, 2007
Celebrating ThuggishnessDecember 6, 2007
Was Key Intel for NIE Planted by Iran?December 6, 2007
Unmarried and teen births increaseDecember 5, 2007
BBC spending $2 million to learn how to tell the truthDecember 5, 2007
Al Qaeda is finished in Iraq: From the Horse's MouthDecember 5, 2007
The other Hsu DropsDecember 5, 2007
BBC covered up London terror trainerDecember 5, 2007
Meanwhile, Back in Tehran...December 5, 2007
Obama's 'Call to Serve' PlankDecember 5, 2007
The Wolves at Huckabee's DoorDecember 5, 2007
And What do the 'Watchdogs" at the IAEA say about the NIE?December 5, 2007
The suspect provenance of the NIE reportDecember 5, 2007
The latest Billary BullDecember 5, 2007
Guesswork: what's behind the NIE changeDecember 4, 2007
Divorce and global warmingDecember 4, 2007
This is priceless! Bill complains about wife's pressDecember 4, 2007
NIE: other things going onDecember 4, 2007
Iran nukes 'plausible but unlikely' (updated)December 4, 2007
Form, not substance, in newsDecember 4, 2007
And now for something completely stupid...December 4, 2007
Iran responds to NIE report: 'paying the price'?December 4, 2007
Sharia for allDecember 4, 2007
Cancel Election; Let the AP decideDecember 4, 2007
Jack Cafferty calls Republicans the Party of Macaca and KatrinaDecember 4, 2007
Bhutto, Sharif Threaten Boycott of ElectionsDecember 4, 2007
Harry "The War is Lost" Reid Opines on the SurgeDecember 4, 2007
Is Al-Qaeda in Iraq Defeated?December 4, 2007
'Local news': Democrat aide charged with soliciting sex from a 13 year oldDecember 3, 2007
Richard Baehr radio appearance Monday nightDecember 3, 2007
Televangelism, Muslim-styleDecember 3, 2007
Immigrants against amnestyDecember 3, 2007
Romney Plans to Address Mormon Issue Head-onDecember 3, 2007
Breakthrough: China Agrees to Iran SanctionsDecember 3, 2007
Stupid New York Times tricks (updated)December 3, 2007
Venezuelan People Say NO! to ChavezDecember 3, 2007
Saddam's Terror DocumentsDecember 3, 2007
'Multiculturalism and inclusiveness' backfiresDecember 3, 2007
UK 12 year olds get morning after pill without parents' knowledgeDecember 3, 2007
UN Machinations Against IsraelDecember 3, 2007
As expected, Putin's Party rolls to Victory in RussiaDecember 3, 2007
Do They Or Don't They? The NIE and Iran's Nuclear Program (extensively updated)December 2, 2007
Weapons of mass corruption found in IraqDecember 2, 2007
'The Graffiti of the Philanthropic Class' (updated twice)December 2, 2007
Favorable Iraq security trends continue in NovemberDecember 2, 2007
One cost of global warming hype?December 2, 2007
Likening Republicans to beasts (updated)December 2, 2007
Further commentary on huntingDecember 2, 2007
No Surprises Predicted in Russian ElectionDecember 2, 2007
Huckabee, Obama Surge into the Lead in IowaDecember 2, 2007
Foer's Folly Finally Falls FlatDecember 2, 2007
McCain Snags Important Media EndorsementDecember 2, 2007
This Guy Still Around?December 1, 2007
Fluency in English a Generational Challenge for Hispanics (updated)December 1, 2007
Just Like Real Leadership: The Clinton 'Hostage Crisis'December 1, 2007
Poor professor MatoryDecember 1, 2007
Is Rudy in Trouble over questions about Protecting Judith?December 1, 2007
Iran bans the word 'women'December 1, 2007
Putin Withdraws from CFE TreatyDecember 1, 2007
Chavez Calls Referendum Opponents "Traitors"December 1, 2007
Light hurricane seasonDecember 1, 2007
Colombia captures terrorist documentsDecember 1, 2007
An effective childcare programDecember 1, 2007
Response to 'The politically incorrect guide to hunting' (updated with rejoinder)
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