November 21, 2007
Beneath Contempt -- even by Jihadist Madman Standards
Today's Australian is offering new details almost too horrific to believe about last month's attempt to kill former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto as she emerged from exile. It appears that the "suicide bomb" that killed 170 and wounded hundreds more was strapped to the tiny body of a one-year-old child, being carried by its despicable jihadist father.
Investigators from Ms Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party discovered that:
"At the point where the bombs exploded, Benazir Bhutto herself saw the man with the child and asked him to come closer so that she could hug or kiss the infant. But someone came in between and a guard felt that the man with the child was not behaving normally. So the child was not allowed to come aboard Benazir's vehicle."
Bhutto has asked TV news channels to provide available recordings of the incident so that she might identify the man who had repetitively attempted to carry the baby to her vehicle as it drove through the streets of Karachi.
This inhuman savage created a weapon of mass murder of his innocent progeny.
Martyr? Freedom Fighter?
Words fail.