Awarding the Nobel for Flawed Science is a disgrace


It has been less than a month but already the glow from Al Gore's Nobel Peace prize is tarnished. Stung by criticism of his worthiness for the honor and horrified that climate change questioners occasionally manage to get their voices heard, Gore testily told "The Today Show" that the media is paying too much attention to global warming skeptics — and compared them to people who still believe the earth is flat.

Well tell that to one of his co winners from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, who managed to insert his balanced conclusion.

Hans Labohm — an economist and author who was an expert reviewer on the panel — says — "Both 'An Inconvenient Truth' and the latest IPCC report labor under cherry-picking, spindoctoring and scare-mongering. Awarding the Nobel Prize for such flawed science is a disgrace."
Last week we told you about American scientist John Christy — who was part of the U.N.'s IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, saying there is no smoking gun proving that human activity is to blame for global warming.

Meanwhile — another IPCC member is ripping Gore and his supporters. Hans Labohm — an economist and author who was an expert reviewer on the panel — says — "Both 'An Inconvenient Truth' and the latest IPCC report labor under cherry-picking, spindoctoring and scare-mongering.

Awarding the Nobel Prize for such flawed science is a disgrace.
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