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November 14, 2007
Another pro-American wins victory in Europe: Denmark
The list of countries leftists like Alex Baldwin can threaten (promise?) to flee to if another Republican is elected president is thinning. France and Germany have elected fairly pro-American leaders, and now Denmark, the brave country that withstood the both Nazis and Islamofascists with its integrity intact, has re-elected Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, strong supporter of the war on terror. The BBC reports:
Denmark's centre-right government of Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen has won a snap election, securing a third consecutive term in office.His Liberal-Conservative coalition and allies won 90 of the 179 seats in parliament, near complete results show.The centre-left opposition led by the Social Democrats secured 84 seats.Mr Rasmussen now faces tough talks on whether to expand the ruling bloc by including a new party led by a Syria-born Palestinian immigrant.Turnout was higher than in the previous poll, held in 2005, at over 86%.
Needless to say, the major media play down the news that American leftists were wrong in stating that the Bush Administration has alienated our allies, and the we stand alone.
Hat tip: Gateway Pundit and Larwyn