October 24, 2007
Laura Bush Helping to Fight Breast Cancer in the Arab World
Have you noticed all the pink around, especially the pink ribbons? This is Breast Cancer Awareness Month; the ribbons are symbols reminding women that breast cancer can strike any woman, anywhere. Even in the Arab world as Laura Bush and Arab women agree.
US First Lady Laura Bush on Tuesday launched a joint drive with Saudi Arabia to fight breast cancer on the second leg of a Middle East tour aimed at spreading awareness of the disease.Here are some telling pictures of First Lady Bush with those educated and interested women.
Flanked by her female guide, Dr Huda Abdul Karim, who was clad in the traditional long black robe known as the abaya which covers head and face -- except for the eyes -- Bush described the women she met as "educated" and "interested in working with women on issues like breast cancer."
Bush wore a navy blue trouser-suit with a navy blue and yellow scarf around the shoulders. Visiting female dignitaries are exempted from wearing the abaya, part of the strict dress code in the ultra-conservative Muslim kingdom.